On July 16th, Len Osanic will hold an anniversary celebration for Black Op Radio. This will be his 1000th program and mark a generation of programming. No one has exclusively dedicated himself to this kind of oral research on the JFK, MLK, and RFK cases. In addition, Osanic has explored other areas of alternative information on subjects the MSM would rather ignore. This program will consist of an hours long blend of new and old interviews with some of the luminaries Len has had on his program: Jesse Ventura, Bill Pepper, Oliver Stone, Zachary Sklar, Cyril Wecht, Jim Douglass, and many, many more.
Jeff Morley, at: JFK Facts
Edward Curtin, at: Off Guardian
Toby Tabachnick, at: Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle
History News Network, at: Raw Story
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. discusses his view of the assassinations of his uncle and father, implicating the CIA in both.
Bob Dylan, at: YouTube
Jefferson Morley, at: AlterNet
Staff, at: Democracy Now!
S. T. Patrick, at: Midnight Writer News
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