

Thursday, 04 December 2014 01:53

Why did Floyd Boring lie about being in Dallas?

by Vince Palamara, At:

Saturday, 13 December 2014 01:49

Will the UN reopen the Dag Hammarskjold case?

Spy messages could finally solve mystery of UN chief’s death crash

by Jamie Doward, At: The Guardian

The Undoing of a Fantasist

by Greg Parker, At: ReopenKennedyCase

The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: Revisiting the Medical Data


by Mantik, David W. M.D., Ph.D., At:  Journal of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery



Why You Should Care That Selma Gets LBJ Wrong

by David Kaiser, At: Time

Wednesday, 11 February 2015 23:34

David Heymann Haunts us from the Grave

Correcting An 'American Legacy'

by Anne Johnson, At:  NPR Ombudsman

Friday, 13 February 2015 23:30

Franco + King = Oswald did it

James Franco attempts to stop JFK assassination for Hulu

by Todd Longwell, At: StreamDailyNews

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