Compiled from various press reports.
In its February 20, 2006 issue, The Nation published an article by Max Holland called "The JFK Lawyers' Conspiracy." Reprinted here are letters to The Nation from people who believe they, their organization or their views were unfairly represented by Holland and one from an eyewitness to some of the story, along with Holland's reply.
Two excerpts on Cmdr. James J. Humes from late 1963.
The Parkland doctors remember the position of the head wound.
Castro says Lee Harvey Oswald could not have acted alone in killing the president.
Arthur Schlesinger obituary, with additional remarks.
Early article on the Hanks/Playtone miniseries project.
Time magazine ran this short piece with David Talbot arguing for and Vincent Bugliosi against.
Randich and Grant's invalidation of Neutron Activation Analysis for bullet lead comparison renders the single-bullet theory even less credible than it seems.
Although Randich and Grant's research doesn't solve the Kennedy assassination, it certainly does weaken the case for a lone gunman, writes Betty Mason of the Contra Costa Times.
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