One of the most respected researchers and writers on the political assassinations of the 1960s, Jim DiEugenio is the author of two books, Destiny Betrayed (1992/2012) and The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today (2018), co-author of The Assassinations, and co-edited Probe Magazine (1993-2000). See "About Us" for a fuller bio.
Jim DiEugenio writes about Shane O'Sullivan's BBC report about the Robert F. Kennedy assassination.
Author James DiEugenio writes about Roy Romer's plans to demolish the Ambassador Hotel, site of RFK's assassination.
Overall, the film is a sad and puzzling disappointment. It could and should have been much better. Considering the state of knowledge in the case, and the state of computer technology, it should have been compelling in form and convincing in content, laments Jim DiEugenio.
A classic and much-discussed essay which explores at length and in depth both the provenance and the evolution of these "JFK scandal stories" over a number of years: how they morphed over time at each appearance into something they were not when they first appeared.
Author James DiEugenio updates his review of Larry Hancock's Someone Would Have Talked with further observations about the problem of its questionable source material.
On the occasion of the reissue of a book which "completely changed my thinking on both the RFK case, and the relationships between the assassinations of the sixties", writes Jim DiEugenio.
Overview of ABC collaboration with Gus Russo to keep the myth about Lee Harvey Oswald alive.
An index of CTKA's essays on Gus Russo.
Jim DiEugenio lists the low quality of the government witnesses in the JFK assassination case.
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