James DiEugenio

James DiEugenio

One of the most respected researchers and writers on the political assassinations of the 1960s, Jim DiEugenio is the author of two books, Destiny Betrayed (1992/2012) and The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today (2018), co-author of The Assassinations, and co-edited Probe Magazine (1993-2000).   See "About Us" for a fuller bio.

Researcher Robert Morrow relocates Dulles' datebook from the weekend of the assassination. This was originally found by Lisa Pease and written about by David Talbot, but since had somehow gone missing.

Two disgusting exhibitions, by Mate and Hedges. This is what happens when liberal “alternative” reporters put their trust in Sy Hersh’s atrocity of a book. Someone should wash Hedges’ mouth out with soap.

Daniel Ellsberg recently passed on. Let us not forget his struggle to get the Pentagon Papers published in the public domain, thus exposing the fraud of the Vietnam War. Let us also not forget the failed attempts by Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger to stop publication and send Ellsberg to prison.

Robert Kennedy Jr.’s candidacy for the Democratic nomination for president has raised the ire of many people in the MSM establishment. Let us examine some of those attacks and analyze what the late Hunter Thompson called this “fear and loathing” on the campaign trail.

Jim examines Celozzi's escape into mythology in the second part of his documentary. Which begins with tall tales from Judy Exner, nonsense about Marilyn Monroe, and moonshine from the novel Double Cross. It ends up in an ever shifting scenario of who and how President Kennedy was killed. The scenario changed from the documentary to the first draft of the script. John Rosselli happened to drop in.

Jim DiEugenio renders the actual facts about the rise, the leadership and the fall of Sam Giancana in Chicago, his duel with Bobby Kennedy, his escape to Mexico, and his ultimate murder in his own home likely at the hands of his own aide-de-camp. Nicholas Celozzi does an adequate job on this.

Tuesday, 16 May 2023 10:30

Does Tim Weiner Believe his own BS?

Former New York Times reporter Tim Weiner is still marketing his ersatz ideas about the JFK case, which he borrowed from Warren Commission stalwart Max Holland. That concept is as phony now as it was when Holland dreamed it up well over a decade ago. Jim DiEugenio takes Tim to task again on it.

Thursday, 20 April 2023 15:18

Sy Hersh Falls on his Face Again, Pt. 2

In Part 2, Jim DiEugenio continues his undressing of Sy Hersh. This time by using the work of John Newman, Lisa Pease and David Talbot to expose the prevarications of his source Sam Halpern, on both Bobby Kennedy and Charles Ford and the plots to kill Castro. We also look at the dubious claims about a 1962 Italy trip by both men and a final look at the problems with his Nord Stream claims.

Sunday, 16 April 2023 16:32

Assume Nothing about Edward Epstein

Jim DiEugenio writes a detailed critique about Edward Epstein's new memoir on his writing career. The book probably reveals more than intended. And Jim adds some facts that the author did not include. The combination paints an unattractive portrait.

Saturday, 08 April 2023 06:48

The Kennedy Withdrawal, by Marc Selverstone

Jim DiEugenio examines Marc Selverstone's attempt to turn President Kennedy into a Cold Warrior, to somehow transform JFK's withdrawal plan in Vietnam into an open-ended commitment, and to absurdly propose that there was no real break in policy from JFK to LBJ.

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