In the light of the recent events in Los Angeles, Jim DiEugenio makes the case for Secret Service protection for RFK, Jr.

Tuesday, 12 September 2023 05:04

Secret Service Agent Paul Landis May Finally Negate the Single Bullet Theory

In a new book, former Secret Service agent Paul Landis, largely silent for 60 years, says he found a bullet in Kennedy’s limo. A sometime presidential historian explains why that’s so significant, if true.

Tuesday, 12 September 2023 04:18

Orleans Parish Grand Jury | Special Investigation

Michael Capasse's index and transcriptions of the Clay Shaw grand jury hearings.

Friday, 25 August 2023 04:33

Retrospective Approval of JFK Rises to 90%; Trump at 46%

Kennedy’s retrospective approval rating reaches 90% for first time.

Thursday, 24 August 2023 08:09

Hoover vs. King: The ARRB Documents

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Jim DiEugenio re-examines the battle between J. Edgar Hoover and Martin Luther King before and after Kennedy's assassination. With new documents he shows that Hoover interceded overseas in order to smear King and limit his interaction with foreign dignitaries.

Tuesday, 22 August 2023 03:36

The Mystery of Kennedy’s Brain Deepens

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Jim DiEugenio explains two new pieces of testimony by the Review Board which makes the mystery of what happened to Kennedy’s brain even more inexplicable and incriminating than before.

Jeff Carter continues our examination of what the ARRB, and especially Tim Wray, went out of their way to do to the late Fletcher Prouty. Including denying (falsely) that there were military supplements to Secret Service details. Is this why the Board could not keep its schedule as to declassifying all the JFK documents?

Part 1: Fletcher Prouty vs. the ARRB by James DiEugenio

Friday, 11 August 2023 01:25

Kim Iversen Interviews Lisa Pease

Kim Iversen interviews Lisa Pease about the Robert F. Kennedy assassination and her milestone book on that case, A Lie Too Big To Fail.

Jack Myers does an extensive review of the Tippit case examining the dubious witness testimony, the ballistics evidence, and the mysterious purchase of the murder weapon.

Part 1: The Witnesses

Part 2: The Oswald Double and the Purchase of the Murder Weapon

Part 3: The Manipulation of Oswald

Jack Myers does an extensive review of the Tippit case examining the dubious witness testimony, the ballistics evidence, and the mysterious purchase of the murder weapon.

Part 1: The Witnesses

Part 2: The Oswald Double and the Purchase of the Murder Weapon

Part 3: The Manipulation of Oswald

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