David Talbot, the author of two important Kennedy assassination books (Brothers and The Devil's Chessboard), is facing serious health issues and needs our help. A GoFundMe page has been established for him. Kennedys and King encourages readers to donate whatever is within their means.
The research community has lost a giant – one of its most legendary figures – with the death of the eminent Dr. Cyril Wecht. Dr. David Mantik has penned this tribute.
Turn to this page as it tells the reader about the book, its authors, and it contains reviews and clips about this fine new volume by five distinguished authors.
Sirhan's next parole hearing is scheduled for August 16th. He has now been in prison for more than half a century, when in fact he should have been paroled decades ago. His attorney requests that you send a letter to the Parole board asking that this 80 year old man be finally released. Please follow the instructions.
Attorney Mark Adamczyk examines some recent and quite interesting proclamations on the JFK case made by conservative commentators Tucker Carlson and Judge Napolitano that somehow were predictably ignored by the MSM.
Sara Jordan-Heintz, the writer who started the Kilgallen revival back in 2007, now offers a book on the death of the famed reporter and TV personality, and her work on the JFK case.
featuring Gary Aguilar, BIll Simpich and the Peace Speech, a talk in San Francisco sponsored by Rossmoor TV, Friends of the Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center.
In part two, Johnny Cairns shows how all quarters objected to the Dallas Police and DA convicting Oswald in the press when he had no attorney to reply. These critics included the ACLU, Percy Foreman, the American Bar Association, the New York TImes, and even J. Edgar Hoover and the Warren Commission.
Johnny Cairns exposes the wildly unethical and irresponsible behavior of the Dallas law authorities, behavior which deprived Lee Oswald of any possibility of a fair trial, — and ultimately took his life away.
David Talbot pays tribute to Walinsky.
In a new examination of the Dallas Police tapes, John Washburn demonstrates how it is almost a certainty that the tapes have been altered, and altered in a way that indicates a deliberate cover up for malignant reasons.
Former history professor Jerry Fresia comments on the first installment of the distinguished series by Libby Handros and John Kirby on the four major assassinations of the sixties, the circumstances surrounding them, and their impact on history.
In this volume, Fetter makes his case for a conspiracy, one featuring Lyndon Johnson and, of all people, the deceased House Speaker Sam Rayburn. To say that it does not work is being much too kind to the author.
This review of Sean Fetter's Under Cover of Night explains how it descends from the book Murder From Within, contains weakly supported assertions, and is packed with personal attacks.
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