Kennedys and King is the successor site to CTKA (formerly
CTKA (Sit-kah) was an activist group lobbying for full disclosure of all records relating to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
In 1993, in response to public outcry created by Oliver Stone's film JFK, Congress passed the JFK Act, a law requiring federal agencies to release all the remaining withheld evidence relating to the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. While some pretend the case is closed, the case can never be closed so long as the documents pertaining to the assassination and the investigations that followed remain locked away from public scrutiny.
Citizens for Truth about the Kennedy Assassination was organized as a result of the April 1993 Chicago Midwest Symposium on Assassinations. At the end of that conference, it was generally decided that the time had come to create a political action group, which would urge the executive branch of our government to re-open the unsolved assassinations of the 1960s-i.e., the murders of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and Dr. Martin Luther King. CTKA endeavored to ensure that the Review Board fulfilled its mandate to release all the remaining records pertaining to the JFK assassination; to amend the current Freedom of Information Act to render future covert actions more difficult to hide; and to urge the American people to discover the truth about their history.
CTKA formerly published Probe Magazine (1993-2000), and featured on its web site many of the articles which first appeared there, along with a continuous stream of new articles and reviews by numerous contributors.
Kennedys and King seeks to continue this mission of presenting the best in research concerning the political assassinations of the 1960s and their historical context.
Read further Jim DiEugenio's welcoming remarks below.
James DiEugenio
Founder; principal editor and contributorHe is also the co-author and editor of The Assassinations: Probe Magazine on JFK, MLK, RFK and Malcolm X. He co-edited Probe Magazine from 1993-2000 and was a guest commentator on the anniversary issue of the film JFK re-released by Warner Brothers in 2013.
Jim, who has an MA in Contemporary American History from California State University Northridge, is also a specialist in the history and theory of cinema, and has written numerous film reviews; he is a frequent contributor at Robert Parry's Consortium News. He has appeared as guest on numerous talk shows, and is a regular on Len Osanic's BlackOp Radio.
Jim has recently retired from thirty years as a professional educator.
Unsolicited Comments from Probe's Readers ...
“Your special Probe on Nixon is terrific. … you have made a landmark contribution to the literature. I hesitate to single anything out because it was all so damn good. … My hat’s off to both of you.”
~Ray Marcus, Author of Author of The Bastard Bullet