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The JFK Files: A Mostly Admirable Compilation with a Few Duds
The mystery surrounding the JFK assassination has remained for six decades. While most have lost interest, Jeff Meek remains dedicated to the subject.
The mystery surrounding the JFK assassination has remained for six decades. While most have lost interest, Jeff Meek remains dedicated to the subject.
Bart Kamp’s Prayer Man challenges the established narratives surrounding the events at the Texas School Book Depository on November 22, 1963.
James Norwood is a former professor with a deep understanding of the John F. Kennedy era. Through Former People, he offers readers a distinctive lens through which to view the lives of key figures post-assassination.
While focusing on portrayals of JFK, Nikita Khrushchev, and Lee Harvey Oswald, Norwood builds a narrative that challenges conventional wisdom and sheds light on the deliberate shaping of legends over facts. Read more in James DiEugenio’s book review.
Norwood introduces the term "Former People,” historically associated with displaced Russian aristocracy post-Bolshevik Revolution, to describe what happened to Khrushchev, Kennedy, and Oswald after their deaths.
This unique conceptual framework adds depth to the exploration of these three figures, offering readers a fresh perspective on their posthumous images.
Norwood explores Khrushchev's post-Stalin era, portraying a leader who, despite his role in Stalin's earlier atrocities, sought a departure from the oppressive past.
He explores Khrushchev's triumphs and missteps, from the secret speech of 1956 to the crushing of the Hungarian Spring. Former People suggests that Khrushchev's removal after Kennedy's death marked the end of a period of reform and the beginning of economic stagnation under the Brezhnev Doctrine.
Norwood provides a nuanced view of John F. Kennedy, highlighting his early life, political career, and literary contributions. The book commends Kennedy's cautious handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis, preventing a nuclear war and drawing on his readings of historical events.
He emphasizes Kennedy's hope of easing tensions and reconciliation with the Soviet Union, tragically interrupted by his assassination and the subsequent cover-up of his achievements.
The book tackles the enigma of Lee Harvey Oswald, focusing on his linguistic abilities and the mysterious circumstances surrounding his time in the Soviet Union. Norwood questions how and where Oswald acquired his proficiency in Russian and explores the possibility of a double-agent scenario.
He aligns with the notion of two Oswalds, as advocated by the John Armstrong theorem, shedding light on a long-incubating experiment in doubles and covert operations.
Former People challenges the official narratives surrounding the JFK assassination, highlighting the role of J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI in shaping the three-bullet scenario. It is part of why we believe this volume makes a valuable contribution to the literature surrounding the political assassinations of the 1960s.
Get more details in our complete review, and keep reading more articles on the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers, civil rights leaders, and the current political events relevant to these past conspiracies.
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The release of Paul Landis’s new book, The Final Witness, has sparked considerable anticipation and debate, fueled by advanced publicity in Vanity Fair and the New York Times.
Today, we will be providing a preview of Vince Palamara’s book review, dissecting the key points of Landis’s narrative, and weighing the promises of groundbreaking revelations against the ultimate disappointment this book turned out to be.
For those who don’t know, Paul Landis was a Secret Service agent during the early 1960s, so he naturally served President John F. Kennedy. He has been a figure of interest and scrutiny, especially for his claims and perspectives related to the assassination of President Kennedy.
Learn More: Will Paul Landis Finally Put the Single Bullet Theory to Rest?
However, Palamara expresses disappointment in Landis’s long-awaited perspective right from the beginning. Despite the extensive media hype preceding its release, Palamara suggests that, without this publicity, Landis’s work might have gone unnoticed, as hinted by early mixed reviews on Amazon.
Landis’s acknowledgments section ironically includes Clint Hill, who publicly denounced the same book on NBC. Furthermore, he was excluded from a gathering of surviving Kennedy Detail Secret Service agents at Clint Hill's residence. This raises questions about the authenticity of the support Landis claims to have received from Hill.
Landis admits to actively avoiding books about the events of November 22, 1963, despite his involvement in The Kennedy Detail, the book and its documentary. This selective reading raises eyebrows, especially considering the gravity of the subject matter. It suggests Landis's reluctance to engage with alternative perspectives on the JFK assassination.
The bulk of Landis’s book is about his Secret Service career, offering insights into his relationships with fellow agents and his experiences on various details, such as the Kennedy Kiddie Detail and the First Lady Detail. While interesting for Kennedy enthusiasts and Secret Service buffs, Palamara suggests that these portions may lack broader appeal.
Landis's account of the Texas trip is marked by the omission of critical events. The infamous drinking incident involving agents at the Fort Worth Press Club and The Cellar is conveniently downplayed.
Landis also fails to mention the death of Secret Service agent Tom Shipman at Camp David, raising questions about the thoroughness of his narrative.
Landis's observations during the assassination of John F. Kennedy, particularly regarding the number of shots fired and the location of the head wound, are contradictory, to say the least.
His failure to explicitly detail the significance of an alleged intact bullet found in the limousine adds to the confusion, leaving readers wondering about the authenticity of this claim.
Palamara accuses Landis’s book of being a "bait and switch" scenario, with the focus on the bullet Landis claims to have found overshadowing the actual content. The lack of in-depth exploration of the alleged find, and its implications for debunking official history raises suspicions about the book's intentions and Landis's motivations.
You are better off reading similar reviews on the book than the book itself, which adds little to the ongoing conversation surrounding the John F. Kennedy assassination. Check out our blogs and articles for a more in-depth analysis of one of American history’s most controversial and misunderstood subjects, and add your voice to the mix.
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Decades of investigations, theories, and revelations have shaped our understanding of the John F. Kennedy assassination. However, much like our articles, recent claims suggest that the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) might have been hiding a dark secret regarding the destruction of crucial JFK assassination evidence.
Today, we will explore the disturbing possibility that more evidence related to the Kennedy assassination may have been lost than previously believed.
The unauthorized possession, loss, or destruction of government files is not a new phenomenon. In recent times, we have seen headlines about missing government documents and the withholding of information from the public.
The JFK assassination has garnered substantial attention over the years. The National Archivist boasts thousands of pages of relevant JFK documents, shedding light on that fateful day.
However, it is crucial to consider that thousands of documents, either intentionally or due to negligence, have been lost or destroyed. This leaves us with two unsettling possibilities: Foul play or sheer ignorance.
The DIA was established in the early 1960s. It was tasked with unifying various military intelligence functions. Over time, it became a significant entity within the US intelligence and military structure.
However, recent revelations suggest that the DIA might have hidden a more significant secret than previously acknowledged. DIA official Roger Denk informed congressional officials that the agency had destroyed all its files related to the JFK assassination. This startling admission shatters the historical record and might as well be an admission of destroying crucial JFK evidence.
The precise timeline of this document purge, the number of files destroyed, and the motivations behind this action remain elusive. The DIA's decision to obliterate such a vital part of the historical record without higher approval and without providing any justifiable explanation is deeply concerning.
While other intelligence agencies like the CIA and FBI have faced criticism for concealing potential connections and important JFK evidence, the DIA's actions appear even more audacious. They are enough to render anyone who’s dedicated their entire life to this unsolved case equally speechless and outraged.
The only way to stop the DIA and other intelligence agencies in their tracks is to keep doing what Kennedys and Kinghave done since the turn of the century: Advocate for the truth behind JFK assassination.
See how we’ve come in our efforts by sifting through our archives. Raise your voice by using your platform or directing more people to our platform.
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