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Orwell was right.
Past Letters from CTKA Activists
- Citizen Wilcke Dissents
The author presents here a translation of the exchange of letters between herself and the station chief of the network which broadcast in Germany the abominable Michael Shermer production, "Conspiracy Rising."
- Jock Penn to Bruce Anderson on Alexander Cockburn
Jock Penn's letter rebutting a claim in an article by Alexander Cockburn in which Cockburn tried to state that Oswald killed Kennedy to help Cuba.
- Jock Penn to Michael Beschloss
Regarding his most recent book, Taking Charge: The Johnson White House Tapes, 1963-1964.
- Letter from Captain John McCarthy to Pierre Finck
Regarding the key role played by Finck in a court case involving McCarthy directly.
- Letter from Dan Griffith to President Bill Clinton
Regarding the shooting outside CIA headquarters.
- Letter from Pearl Gladstone, as published in Gambit, a weekly paper in New Orleans
Concerning Gary Raymond's incarceration after refusing to destroy records as ordered by Harry Connick.
- Letter to Harry Connick (Sr.), District Attorney in New Orleans, from Pete Johnson
Pete received a return call from Connick after his first letter. This is his follow-up piece.
- Letter to Louis Freeh, FBI Director, from Charles Marks
Asking for the release of records pertaining to the JFK assassination.
- Letter to the Washington Post, from Donald Knight
Concerning a photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald which they published and incorrectly captioned as being from his trip to Mexico City.
- Open Letter to Ted Turner and CNN
Requesting release of the transcript of the "Valley of Death" broadcast which has been pulled not only from the CNN Web site, but from the vendors who normally carry CNN transcripts.
- Pete Johnson to the Columbus Dispatch (1)
Concerning the supposed Castro connection to the JFK assassination.
- Pete Johnson to the Columbus Dispatch (2)
On the lack of public response concerning Gary Webb's revelations about the CIA-Contra drug traffic.
- R.T. Lee to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Concerning columns of Marianne Means on the JFK assassination and Christopher Mathews on Watergate.