John F. Kennedy
- Gagné Desperately Dispenses CPR for the Lone Gunman (Part 2)Written by David Mantik
In part 2 of this article, Dr. David W. Mantik continues his point-by-point responses to Michel Jacques Gagné’s analysis in the new book Thinking Critically about the Kennedy Assassination (2022) using the documented evidence in the case and, in the process, fully demonstrates that Gagné’s “critical thinking” is anything but.
- Gagné Desperately Dispenses CPR for the Lone Gunman (Part 1)Written by David Mantik
David W. Mantik responds to one of the newest books defending the Warren Commission, Thinking Critically about the Kennedy Assassination (2022) by Michel Jacques Gagné, with a genuine demonstration of critical thinking and its application to the evidence related to the assassination and its investigation. In part one of this two-part article, Dr. Mantik addresses Gagné’s analysis point-by-point.
- JFK VS LBJ: The MSM in OverdriveWritten by James DiEugenio
The efforts by the mainstream media to malign the accomplishments and legacy of President Kennedy continue in force almost 60 years after his death, so Jim DiEugenio expands his new series thwarting the LBJ apologists and hagiographers by examining the background and work of Mark Updegrove as part of these efforts and correcting the many flaws in his historical comprehension.
Malcolm X
- Manning Marable, A Life of ReinventionWritten by Joseph E. Green
As with other high-profile assassinations in the 1960s, the major media immediately began a propaganda campaign in support of the state-approved version of events, writes Joseph Green.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Cotton Coated Conspiracy, by John Roberts?Written by James DiEugenio
Jim DiEugenio reviews the pseudonymously-authored new book, Cotton Coated Conspiracy, exposing it as an accusatory and sensationalist volume that accepts dubious accounts with little scrutiny and subverts and hides prominent exculpatory evidence in the James Earl Ray case.
- Martin Hay Replies to the Authors of Killing KingWritten by Martin Hay
Martin Hay scrutinizes the responses to his critical review of The Awful Grace of God which the authors have incorporated into their second book, written to bolster their original thesis concerning Ray and the King assassination.
Robert F. Kennedy
- Lisa Pease, A Lie Too Big to Fail: The Real History of the Robert Kennedy AssassinationWritten by Michael Le Flem
The author’s narrative gifts are as pronounced as her investigative acumen. And with this book as her lifetime achievement on a case that still remains relatively obscure in light of the JFK assassination, she will likely establish herself as the preeminent authority on the subject for years to come, avers Michael Le Flem.
- Joseph Palermo, Robert F. Kennedy and the Death of American IdealismWritten by Kennedys&KingWritten on Monday, 29 January 2018 19:08
During this, the 50th anniversary of Senator Robert Kennedy's assassination, we wish to raise awareness of his life and death. Joseph Palermo is one of the better authors on RFK, and this interview concerning his 2007 book is one way to begin that commemoration.
(Click image for video link)
General Interest
- The Overthrow Attempt of 1934Written by Ron Canazzi
Ron Canazzi, a new contributor to KennedysAndKing, reviews Jonathan M. Katz’ new book Gangsters of Capitalism: Smedley Butler, the Marines, and the Making and Breaking of America’s Empire with a particular view toward the overlap of Smedley Butler’s military deployments with the business exploits of Sullivan Cromwell and Brown Brothers Harriman and toward the parallels with the assassinations of the 1960s and the insurrection of January 6th, 2021.
- Collateral Damage: Mark Shaw’s Public Atrocity, Part 2Written by Donald McGovern
Donald McGovern continues his review of Mark Shaw’s Collateral Damage by examining Shaw’s odd photographic evidence and the many wrong depictions contained in the book, by analyzing Shaw’s contrived murder scenario using a bulb syringe as the weapon, and by summarizing Shaw’s scholarship and thesis, concluding that he not only engaged in rumor, opinion, gossip, and innuendo, but in the worst form of gross speculation and evidence creation.