I am concerned that, at the end of it all, there will only be more Americans killed; more of our treasure spilled out; and because of the bitterness and hatred on every side of this war, more hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese slaughtered; so that they may say, as Tacitus said of Rome: “They made a desert and called it peace.”
~ Robert F. Kennedy, from a speech during his Presidential campaign, Kansas State University, March 18, 1968
JFK: Destiny Betrayed
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A Special Request
- A Special Request from Editor and Publisher Jim DiEugenioWritten by James DiEugenio
Jim DiEugenio makes a special appeal to our readers for assistance in exposing the truth in the JFK, RFK, MLK, and Malcolm X assassinations.
Featured Articles & Reviews
- Cuba 1960 and Lansdale’s PlaybookWritten by Paul Bleau
Paul Bleau asks: Was the planning for ZR RIFLE around even earlier than we expected, and was it used as an outline for Dallas on 11/22/63.
- The Missile Crisis: Writing on the WallWritten by Jerry Fresia
Dr. Jerry Fresia reappraises the Missile Crisis ideologically through the work of the late American Prometheus co-author Martin Sherwin, whose book was the basis for the Oscar winning film Oppenheimer.
- Trump and the JFK FilesWritten by James DiEugenio
Jim DiEugenio examines the trail that brought us to President Trump's signing of an executive order releasing the final classified documents on the JFK assassination. Which should have been done by him seven years ago. He also notes a problem in the road ahead left by Joe Biden.
- The PEPE LettersWritten by Paul Bleau
Was there even more foreshadowing of the JFK murder than we ever suspected? Did it start in the wake of the Missile Crisis? Paul Bleau thinks it did and he lays out his suspects.
- The Death of Tippit - Part 1Written by John Washburn
Mr. Washburn pokes holes in where certain DPD officers were supposed to be on 11/22, particularly Hill and Wesbrook. He postulates as to where they might have been.
- The Death of Tippit - Part 2Written by John Washburn
Were the Dallas Police even worse than even the critics have suspected? Were they directly involved in the murder of a fellow policeman? Jerry Hill and William Westbrook smell to high heaven.
- Is Robert Wagner the New Paul Hoch? - Part 1Written by Gary Aguilar
As predicted by Paul Hoch in advance, Robert Wagner becomes a rather hapless sparring partner for Dr. Gary Aguilar. In his new book, Wagner is still trying to deny the hole in the rear skull of John F. Kennedy and he even tries to revive the mythology surrounding Commission Exhibit CE 399, the Magic Bullet. No deal says Agullar.
- Is Robert Wagner the New Paul Hoch? - Part 2Written by Gary Aguilar
As predicted by Paul Hoch in advance, Robert Wagner becomes a rather hapless sparring partner for Dr. Gary Aguilar. In his new book, Wagner is still trying to deny the hole in the rear skull of John F. Kennedy and he even tries to revive the mythology surrounding Commission Exhibit CE 399, the Magic Bullet. No deal says Agullar.
- The Protected JFK FilesWritten by Mark Adamczyk
Attorney Mark Adamyzck encourages the congressional movement to extend the original JFK Act, thus eliminating Biden's ersatz Transparency Plan and finally letting the public see what has been hidden for 61 years.
- JFK Assassination ChokeholdsWritten by Kennedys&King
Turn to this page as it tells the reader about the book, its authors, and it contains reviews and clips about this fine new volume by five distinguished authors.
From The Archives
Political Assassinations of the 1960s
The sixties saw four significant political assassinations that have bled into history. These include the deaths of John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X., Martin Luther King Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy.
The tragedies shook Americans to the core – the political leaders they had seen a glimmer of hope ended up facing the same fate.
JFK’s death, perhaps, shook people the most.
To this day, Americans talk about their lost heroes in a golden light.
Here’s a short summary of political assassinations of the 1960s:
- On November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald while riding a motorcycle in Dallas, Texas.
- On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was gunned down by three men.
- On April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. was hit by a sniper’s bullet while he was standing on the balcony in front of his room in Lorraine Motel, Memphis, Tennessee.
- On June 5, 1968, Robert F. Kennedy was shot shortly after midnight at the Ambassador Hotel, LA.
Looking for facts behind political murders in the sixties? Go through our insightful resources!