Back in 1968, Mark Lane wrote a book called A Citizen's Dissent. That book chronicled his attempts to publicly contest the findings of the Warren Report—on both radio and television—both in America and abroad. Last year, Frank Cassano wrote a fine review of Michael Shermer’s abominable and lamentable documentary "Conspiracy Rising". That review was one of the best things Frank has written for CTKA and should be read by anyone who has not yet done so.
No one has done more good work on Shermer, and the threat he poses to truth and democracy, than Frank has. Apparently, Shermer has been able to get his disgraceful documentary syndicated in Europe, at least in Germany. A faithful follower of CTKA watched it. Brigitte Wilcke then did what a responsible and free thinking citizen would and should. She protested the broadcasting of this show on the public airwaves.
But Brigitte actually went even beyond that. She did a moment-by-moment critique of the entire show! That analysis extends out to 18 pages. That was too difficult to translate into English. So Brigitte translated the exchange of letters between herself and the station chief; in which she, as a citizen of her country, vociferously protested the pollution of her airwaves by Shermer’s propaganda. The executive replied, and we include that reply here, and her rebuttal also.
We post it not just because of the fine points she makes. But because this is the kind of thing we hope we can convince everyone to do in the future. Let the gatekeepers know how fed up you are with this cheap propaganda. That can only happen if we follow Brigitte’s excellent example and make it multiply by the thousands.
~ Jim DiEugenio
From a fellow reader:
I want to thank you for taking the time to post Brigitte's letters and the responses from the news station. It is very encouraging to see someone take a stand against this documentary, especially someone as far away as Germany! I nearly spit out my freshly ground coffee when I read the station's response, which basically seemed like it could be summed up as Dr. Bellut saying the documentary wasn't really about the Kennedy assassination and was instead about conspiracies in general and thus any inaccuracies in facts about the incident didn't really matter. I was also quite surprised to see him say that there was no proof to any of the theories and that it "persistently disrupt[s] public trust in the government." I would have expected Dr. Bellut to keep his personal opinions to himself on the matter and respond more objectively. Again, thank you Brigitte for your resolve and determination and Jim for making public this information.
Letter to TV Board 1 | Letter to TV Board 2 | Response from TV Board | Response to TV Board 1 | Response to TV Board 2 |