Trump now reportedly fired the Chief Archivist at NARA. No reason given so far. Read more.
Is this step one in getting the last of the JFK field released according to Trump's order? Read more.
The congressional plan for declassifying the last of the JFK documents. President Trump should use this as a model. Read more.
Was there even more foreshadowing of the JFK murder than we ever suspected? Did it start in the wake of the Missile Crisis? Paul Bleau thinks it did and he lays out his suspects.
President Trump issues an executive order to begin to declassify all records on the JFK case in 15 days and all classified records on the MLK and RFK case in 45 days. Read more.
Donald Trump says everything is coming out, JFK, RFK, MLK. Whew, did Bobby Kennedy have an influence on this decision? Read more.
Were the Dallas Police even worse than even the critics have suspected? Were they directly involved in the murder of a fellow policeman? Jerry Hill and William Westbrook smell to high heaven.
Arizona congressman moves to release the last of the Kennedy assassination classified files. Read more.
Mr. Washburn pokes holes in where certain DPD officers were supposed to be on 11/22, particularly Hill and Wesbrook. He postulates as to where they might have been.
As predicted by Paul Hoch in advance, Robert Wagner becomes a rather hapless sparring partner for Dr. Gary Aguilar. In his new book, Wagner is still trying to deny the hole in the rear skull of John F. Kennedy and he even tries to revive the mythology surrounding Commission Exhibit CE 399, the Magic Bullet. No deal says Agullar.
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