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Thursday, 13 February 2025 20:44

Cuba 1960 and Lansdale’s Playbook

Paul Bleau asks: Was the planning for ZR RIFLE around even earlier than we expected, and was it used as an outline for Dallas on 11/22/63.
Paul Abbott's forthcoming book, Death to Justice: The Shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald provides the most in-depth analysis yet on the murder of the alleged assassin, Lee Oswald. Using witness statements, evidence and visual records, that are scrutinized for the first time in this book. New light is also shed on Oswald's actual shooting, proving that the the topic, largely seen as the most open-and-shut aspect of that weekend in November of 1963, is not. Below is the foreword by Paul Bleau:
Saturday, 07 August 2021 19:53

Exposing the FPCC, Part 1

Paul Bleau traces in depth the history of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, its monitoring and manipulation by the FBI and CIA, and Oswald’s connection to it from 1962 on, in this two part essay.
Wednesday, 11 August 2021 04:00

Exposing the FPCC, Part 2

In Part 2, Paul Bleau concludes his in-depth examination of the history of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee by analyzing the various links across the failed JFK plots and then tracing the connections to the various frame-up artists and their propaganda contributions.
Paul Bleau reviews Gary Hill’s new book, The Other Oswald: A Wilderness of Mirrors, and assesses the new evidence that suggests Robert Webster and Lee Harvey Oswald both had links to the MKULTRA mind control program. As Gary reveals his evaluation of the JFK assassination after more than 50 years of research, Paul breaks down the good and the bad in his overall case.
A complaint, addressed to the American Historical Association by professor Paul Bleau, accusing historians of actually violating their own code of conduct in their treatment of the JFK assassination.
In this two-part companion to his study of the textbook treatments of the JFK assassination, professor Bleau focuses on what interested historians could easily learn from the official investigations and the opinions and statements from the actual investigators, lawyers, and staff members who were involved in six investigations that were mostly government initiated and managed, if they weren't so predisposed to accept blindly the conclusions of the Warren Commission.
Part two of the study, in which professor Bleau focuses on what interested historians could easily learn from the official investigations and the opinions and statements from the actual investigators, lawyers, and staff members who were involved in six investigations that were mostly government initiated and managed, if they weren't so predisposed to accept blindly the conclusions of the Warren Commission.
Paul Bleau reviews James DiEugenio's latest book JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass. He reveals how the sheer amount of information contained in the interviews truly shocked him and concludes that this book is a great reference for those seeking expertise on the JFK assassination.
While researching for an upcoming article on the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Paul Bleau stumbled upon some intriguing information concerning Marina Oswald’s immigration sponsor, so he decided to put his FPCC article on hold and document the fascinating evidence regarding Marina’s sponsor and yet another Lee Harvey Oswald wallet.
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