Jim DiEugenio reveals more about how CBS hid its unethical journalism in support of the Warren Commission in 1964.
In this two-part essay, Jim DiEugenio builds on unpublished material obtained by Roger Feinman from CBS in order to reconstruct how the 1967 CBS special became the shameless defense of the Warren Commission's case against Lee Harvey Oswald that it was.
In this two-part essay, Jim DiEugenio builds on unpublished material obtained by Roger Feinman from CBS in order to reconstruct how the 1967 CBS special became the shameless defense of the Warren Commission's case against Lee Harvey Oswald that it was.
Slideshows for three presentations on JFK's foreign policy given in 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2018.
Authors Robert Hennelly and Jerry Policoff discuss how the media subverted the truth when airing stories on the JFK assassination.
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