A Closer Look at Bob Dylan's JFK Song

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Bob Dylan was a well-established artist before the 2020 release of "Murder Most Foul." Click here to listen. The 17-minute song would be Dylan's longest and boldest work yet. The song reiterates what we've been trying to say: President John F. Kennedy was the target of a wide-scale conspiracy—a possible coup d’état.

It's high time we took another look at this song to decipher its already clear meaning.

A Shakespearian Tragedy

If the title of this song sounds familiar, it's because it was first introduced by the man who had the ultimate way with words: Shakespeare. The words "murder most foul" were first used in Hamlet, particularly by the dead king's ghost, when telling Hamlet, his son and heir, about his killer.

The original phrase alludes to a conspiracy that had gone largely ignored and unquestioned, as pointed out by the ghost. This explains why Dylan used it to allude to a different, more contemporary conspiracy: the assassination of John F. Kennedy, which has also been disregarded and forgotten with every passing generation.

The Use of "Boys"

Read the lyrics that come before and after, "Say wait a minute, boys, do you know who I am?" and you'll realize that Dylan was criticizing the Warren Commission's "magic bullet" theory about a single bullet hitting more than one occupant in the vehicle, the President and the Governor of Texas.

Such a feat is nearly impossible for a single killer, and Dylan seems to agree. If he weren't, he would use "boy" instead of "boys" when describing President Kennedy confronting his killers.

Bob Dylan mural

"The Timing Was Right" Indeed

Right after the above lyric comes another lyric that shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who has followed our updates since we were CTKA (Citizens for Truth about the Kennedy Assassination). It says, "Was a matter of timing and the timing was right."

The timing here refers to the events that happened right before Kennedy was brutally taken down. After his death, word spread that the assassination might have been an inside job. The President wasn't on the best terms with the CIA after they butted heads on the Bay of Pigs invasion, and it was rumored that he fully intended to pull US troops from Vietnam.

These speculations go beyond conspiracy theories because there's plenty of evidence backing them up. Find it on the Kennedys and King website to learn the truth behind the JFK assassination. Don't forget to check out this review on the outrageous New York Times interview following Dylan's song, a work of art that, in our opinion, beautifully summarizes the most infamous political assassination from the 1960s.

Extend your search to other political murders around the same time, especially the malcolm x assassination, Martin Luther King, and Robert F. Kennedy. The latter was also killed by a so-called "lone assassin" five years later.

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