The .38 Smith & Wesson Pistol Linked to Lee Harvey Oswald

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The official narrative will have you believe that Lee Harvey Oswald murdered Officer J.D. Tippit while fleeing shortly after assassinating President John F. Kennedy. While the latter theory is full of holes that we have identified in the last few decades, we have only just begun to unravel the former.

Click here, or keep reading to know why Oswald couldn’t have owned the .38 Smith & Wesson Pistol, the alleged murder weapon used to kill Tippit.

The Dubious Purchase

Oswald's purported acquisition of the pistol is said to have occurred through an advertisement placed in an April 1963 men's adventure magazine.

According to the narrative, Oswald sent an order form and ten dollars in cash or money order to Seaport Traders of Los Angeles, requesting the pistol be shipped via Railway Express Agency (REA) to his post office box in Dallas.

However, several inconsistencies in this story raise questions about its validity.

Postal Procedures and Regulations

The US Post Office did not handle private cargo for private shipping companies like REA. Instead, the gun should have been sent to REA's facility in downtown Dallas, and a postcard notification would be sent to the buyer's post office box.

The process involved specific rules and regulations, including a certificate of good character, proof of identification, and payment of the balance owed to REA.

There is no record of a certificate of good character, no Form 5024 with proof of ID, and no testimony confirming Oswald or anyone else picking up the .38 Smith & Wesson Pistol.

Officer Tippit

Lack of Concrete Evidence

Crucially, there is no concrete evidence that these rules were followed in Oswald's case. The Warren Commission provided only a copy of a receipt, not the original, and it was not signed by either Oswald or his supposed alias, A.J. Hidell.

There is no evidence of REA ever sending a postcard to Oswald's P.O. Box, and no one witnessed Oswald or anyone else bringing such a postcard into REA.

In Essence

In essence, there are no Department of Public Safety, police, or clerk records indicating that Lee Harvey Oswald ever obtained this handgun legally. The absence of transaction witnesses and documented payments cast significant doubt on the notion that he personally ordered and received this Smith & Wesson revolver.

The evidence does not support the claim that Oswald bought this gun, an accusation he vehemently denied before his death at the hands of Jack Ruby. Nothing is perplexing, mysterious, or unsolved about the fact that he couldn’t have owned the weapon said to have been used to kill Tippit.

Read more about this case and the other events surrounding the JFK assassination on Kennedys and King, a platform that has worked tirelessly to identify the discrepancies surrounding the political assassinations of the 1960s.

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Several Pictures of Lee Harvey Oswald Beside the Suspect’s Identikit

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A mysterious figure emerged in the lead-up to the John F. Kennedy assassination on November 22, 1963. He bore an uncanny resemblance to Lee Harvey Oswald, but was it really the alleged killer of a president or someone who looked like him? The accounts of this Oswald impersonator have fueled numerous theories and speculations.

Today, we discuss some of these puzzling sightings, as listed in this article.

The Birth Certificate Riddle: June 3, 1960

FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover raised eyebrows when he penned a memo suggesting that someone within the States might have used Oswald's birth certificate to impersonate him while he was in the Soviet Union. The early notion of an Oswald impersonator hinted at a deeper mystery.

A Strange Encounter in New Orleans: January 20, 1961

In New Orleans, an odd incident unfolded when two men visited a Ford dealership. One of them, Joseph Moore, expressed an intent to purchase ten Ford Econoline trucks for the Friends of Democratic Cuba.

The other man, claiming to be Lee Oswald, offered to handle the payment. Here’s what’s strange about this: The real Oswald was in Minsk when this occurred.

The unusual episode hinted at the exploitation of Oswald's identity for covert purposes.

The Sportdrome Gun Range Incident: November 16, 1963

Another bizarre sighting occurred at the Sportdrome Gun Range in Oak Cliff. The Oswald doppelgänger at this sighting bragged about his Italian-made carbine and fired shots at targets, causing a scene. Such provocative behavior added to the intrigue surrounding the real Lee Harvey Oswald.

A Disturbance at the Dobbs House Restaurant: November 20, 1963

At the Dobbs House Restaurant, a man claiming to be Lee Harvey Oswald caused a commotion just two days before the JFK assassination.

He berated the waitress and loudly complained about his runny eggs. This aggressive behavior contrasted sharply with the real Oswald's demeanor. Even if he’d been acting out of character, he should’ve been working at the Texas Book Depository when the ruckus occurred.

 Oswald mugshot

Puzzling Purchases on Assassination Day: November 22, 1963

On the morning of the JFK assassination, a young man using Oswald's name bought two bottles of beer at a store near Dealey Plaza. He presented a Texas driver's license with Oswald's name and birthdate. These purchases happened after Oswald reported to work at the book depository.

The probable Oswald impersonator later returned to purchase peanut-coconut brittle, an unusual choice for breakfast. These seemingly ordinary transactions took place just before the world-changing events of that fateful day.

Read More About the Curious Case of Two Oswalds Online

Check out the article mentioned above for a deeper exploration of the possibility of an Oswald impersonator. Discover the wider conspiracy surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the other political assassinations of the 1960s on a platform that advocates for the truth even when it is not a popular opinion.

Get in touch for comments and feedback.

A Dallas Police Car Parked Outside a Home

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The Warren Committee and House Select Committee on Assassinations findings concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald was the person behind the killing of 1963 Officer J.D. Tippit on the same day as the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Their conclusions are mostly based on eyewitness accounts. Read our article to see why these testimonies are dubious.

Let’s take a closer look at some of these eyewitnesses.

Domingo Benavides

Domingo Benavides was the closest witness to the assassination of Officer Tippit. He was driving on E. 10th Street when he heard three gunshots nearby. He didn't witness the shooting itself but saw the shooter walking away.

It’s worth noting that Benavides couldn't identify the shooter because he only caught his back as he ran away. He checked on Tippit, who was deceased by that time, and retrieved two shell casings left by the fleeing gunman.

Lastly, he noted the suspect's squared-off haircut, which didn't match Lee Harvey Oswald's tapered haircut. The only thing that matched was the “Eisenhower” jacket, but that’s circumstantial at best.

Helen Markham

Helen Markham was a key witness in the Tippit case. She claimed to have seen the shooting, but contradictions marred her testimony. While Markham described an encounter where a man shot Officer Tippit, her version conflicted with other witnesses.

Below are some of these contradictions:

  • She was the only one to see the killer walking east, while others saw the killer walking west along 10th Street.
  • Markham claimed the killer leaned into Tippit's open passenger window, but only the vent window was cracked open.
  • She also stated that she spent 20 minutes alone with the dying officer, which contradicted Benavides’ testimony suggesting Tippit died quickly.

Assistant Warren Counsel Wesley Libeler called Markham’s testimony "contradictory and worthless," and others doubted her identification of Oswald. Top of Form

Tippit and witnesses

William Scoggins

Cab driver William Scoggins witnessed the assassination of Officer Tippit from his parked vehicle at 10th & Patton. While eating his lunch, he saw Tippit's patrol car stop, and a young pedestrian approached it. However, Scoggins’ view of the killer was blocked due to hedges.

When gunshots rang out, he saw a young man with a gun walk past his cab, and Scoggins took cover behind it.

At a police lineup, Scoggins identified Lee Harvey Oswald as the man he saw crossing the lawn.

By November 23rd, most Dallas residents were aware of Oswald's alleged involvement. During the lineup, Oswald was the only one who provided his correct name and stated he worked at the Texas School Book Depository.

To make matters worse, Scoggins later admitted he couldn't identify Oswald in a separate photo lineup, saying he was told he picked the wrong man.

Discover More Contradictory Testimonies at Kennedys and King

There are enough contradictory testimonies in this event and the one preceding it, i.e., the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Explore our website for a thorough analysis of dubious accounts and evidence that leaves enough room to believe Lee Harvey Oswald was but a scapegoat, a patsy in the JFK assassination.

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President John F. Kennedy During an Interview

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The Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) lasted four years, and Douglas Horne was a part of it for three of those years. We have discussed his time inside the ARRB in one of our most recent articles. The now-author had quite the tenure. He started as a Senior Analyst but was soon promoted to the position of Chief Analyst on the Military Records Team.

Below is a summary of Horne’s perspective of the ARRB culture.

The ARRB's Limited Familiarity

Douglas Horne described a sense of "future shock" when he started his service in Washington. Except for Jack Tunheim, the board members displayed limited familiarity with the intricate details of the assassination of John F. Kennedy case.

Horne’s Attempts to Educate the Board

After recognizing this knowledge gap, Horne suggested a series of briefings to educate the ARRB members about the complexities of the JFK assassination. However, Chief Counsel Jeremy Gunn dissuaded such an initiative.

Gunn said that the board had little interest in the conflicting evidence surrounding the case. He also said that the ARRB did not subscribe to the notion that a conspiracy had been orchestrated to assassinate President John F. Kennedy.

The ARRB vs. The Public Opinion

In his book Inside the Assassination Records Review Board findingsAssassination Records Review Board findings, Horne estimated that up to two-thirds of the ARRB staff adhered to the conclusions of the Warren Commission. This was particularly surprising since the ARRB was established in the aftermath of the widespread public commotion spurred by Oliver Stone's film that strongly suggested a conspiracy.

During that period, public opinion polls indicated that over 75% of the population believed in a conspiracy. The ARRB did not reflect the public opinion.

 Kennedy and Khrushchev

Strong Bias and Resistance to Dissent

Within the ARRB staff and among independent researchers who questioned the findings of warren commission, a strong bias prevailed. Anyone who expressed skepticism about its verdict encountered resistance.

The bias even extended to David Marwell, the staff director. Marwell's appointment may have been influenced by his alignment with the prevailing views of the board.

The ARRB’s Final Report

To cap it all, the ARRB's Final Report included a phrase asserting that Oliver Stone's JFK was "largely fictional." This particular statement has raised eyebrows among those who closely scrutinized the evidence.

In numerous instances, a detailed examination of the film compared to the documents opened by the Review Board revealed that Stone's portrayal often corroborated the available evidence.

The comment in the report is either the result of a lack of objectivity or influenced by a preexisting bias. It serves as a parting shot directed at the creators of the film and those who continue to question the official narrative.

Kennedys and King is one of those whose dissenting voices the ARRB would have shot down had it existed today. Every claim on our platform is supported by concrete evidence, something you’ll see as soon as you open our first article. Support our cause to bring the truth behind JFK assassination to light.

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One of the Last Images of President John F. Kennedy During the Dallas Motorcade

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There are countless theories centering around the controversial medical evidence related to President John F. Kennedy’s mysterious death. Recently, two new pieces of testimony have emerged, shedding further light on the mystery surrounding Kennedy's brain and adding to the intrigue surrounding this historic event. Check them out in our latest article.

Alternatively, keep reading for the gist of these testimonies and their implications.

The Mastrovito Interview

The first testimony regarding JFK’s medical evidence comes from James M. Mastrovito, a 20-year veteran of the Secret Service who served from 1959 to 1979.

The Relevance of James M. Mastrovito

Mastrovito's career included a stint on the White House detail from 1960 to 1962, and he eventually rose to become the Director of the Intelligence Division within the Secret Service. What makes Mastrovito's account particularly intriguing is his involvement with the Kennedy file, which contained a substantial amount of material related to the president.

The Testimony

The most astonishing revelation from Mastrovito's interview with the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) was his claim that he had received a piece of President Kennedy's brain. He described the brain matter as being contained in a vial with an identifying label.

Notably, the vial was from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP). When asked who had handed him the vial, Mastrovito stated that it was Walter Young, the first chief of the Intelligence Division, who had given it to him.

Unfortunately, Young had passed away a year before Mastrovito's interview. Shockingly, Mastrovito disclosed that he had disposed of the contents of the vial in a machine designed to destroy food.

 Texas Book Depository

The Vrtacnik Interview

Ken Vrtacnik worked at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) from 1964 to 1965. He was interviewed by Dave Montague and Doug Horne, who were part of the ARRB medical inquiry.

In his interview, Vrtacnik confirmed and supported the testimony given by Mastrovito. He disclosed that he saw President Kennedy's brain during his tenure at AFIP. According to Vrtacnik, the brain specimen was stored securely in a locked room as part of the AFIP complex.

Like Mastrovito, Vrtacnik was certain that it was Kennedy's brain because it was clearly labeled as such. He also emphasized that the brain specimen was subject to strict control and security measures.

The Plot Thickens

The revelations by Mastrovito and Vrtacnik add a new layer of mystery and controversy to JFK’s medical evidence.

In his documentaries JFK Revisited and JFK: Destiny Betrayed, Oliver Stone had previously raised questions about the weight and condition of Kennedy's brain based on available evidence. Stone argued that the official weight of Kennedy's brain, reported as 1500 grams, appeared inconsistent with the extensive damage caused by a gunshot to the head, as seen in the Zapruder film and reported by medical personnel at both Parkland and Bethesda.

Additionally, the condition of the brain, as described by witnesses, was severely damaged, with some reporting that a third of the brain was missing. However, the photographic evidence from the autopsy contradicted these accounts, showing a relatively intact brain with minimal disruption.

If the autopsy was conducted at Bethesda Naval Hospital and President Kennedy's brain was handed over to Admiral George Burkley for internment, how did a part of Kennedy's brain end up at the AFIP?

More importantly, why are we only hearing about this now? Read our articles to follow this line of inquiry into the assassination of John F. Kennedy. You can also support our decades-old cause through the contribution methods mentioned on our website.

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