Paul Schrade, now 91 years old, was shot in the head on June 5, 1968, at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles while standing alongside Robert Kennedy. Schrade contends that the now 71-year-old Sirhan was not the only shooter that night, and that Kennedy was actually killed by a second gunman.
Thursday, 04 February 2016 19:16

List of Withheld JFK Documents Released

by Russ Baker

At: Who.What.Why

Published in News Items
Tuesday, 22 March 2016 23:22

Robert Scheer can't help himself

On the occasion of Barack Obama's overture to end the Cuban embargo and reopen diplomatic relations, Jim DiEugenio berates columnist Robert Scheer for recycling discredited stories about RFK's role in the CIA assassination plots against Fidel Castro, and concludes that Obama is finally doing what JFK was preparing to do when he was murdered.
Friday, 19 February 2016 14:56

This is the Washington Post?

Recent reporting concerning Paul Schrade's testimony at Sirhan's February 2016 parole hearing contrasts starkly with how the Washing Post has traditionally treated stories concerning the assassinations of the 1960s, writes Jim DiEugenio.
Tuesday, 05 January 2016 23:32

William W. Turner: In Memoriam

Jim DiEugenio commemorates the important contributions made by Bill Turner to the study of the JFK and RFK cases and his role during Garrison's investigation.

Published in Obituaries
Tuesday, 18 December 2007 16:23

Oswald's Ghost

Jim DiEugenio deems the television documentary by Roger Stone a transparent set-up with little that is new and little discussion of the evidence.
Sherry Fiester [uses] established science-based protocols to determine events and causalities, not to search for manufactured support of an a priori conclusion, write LeBlanc and Dragoo.
The State Dept. official entrusted with dealing with the JFK conspiracy relies on Reclaiming History as his guide, as William Kelly shows.
Monday, 25 April 2016 19:36

How the CIA Writes History

by Jefferson Morley

At: The Intercept

Published in News Items
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