Carol Hewett holds a degree from the University of Texas School of Law. She served as litigation director of the National Juvenile Law Center, and formed her own law firm where she focused primarily on criminal defense and family law. After 1992, she limited her practice to federal administrative appeals on behalf of social security disability claimants, whereby she could pursue assassination research on almost a full-time basis. She was a frequent contributor to Probe.
Here we publish a retrospective of late 20th Century research on Ruth and Michael Paine by Carol Hewett, Steve Jones, and Barbara La Monica as originally printed in Probe Magazine. These authors did some ground-breaking work in this area and we owe a debt of gratitude to them for the evidence they uncovered and the insights they provided.
Carol Hewett concludes that scrutiny of the FBI's response to all of the mail of Lee and Marina may also help us understand the intelligence roles played by the Oswalds (wittingly or unwittingly) and may shed light on the true nature of the Paine/Oswald and the Paine/FBI relationships.
In which La Fontaine accuses Carol Hewett of plagiarizing her work on John Thomas Masen.
Carol Hewett explores Ruth Paine's possible latter-day intelligence connections.
Carol Hewett discusses the possibility of silenced weapons having been used in Dealey Plaza, an idea which up to the time of publication of this article in 1995 had been surprisingly unexplored.
The disappearance of this item which originally appeared on the (first) Dallas police list of Oswald's belongings points to collusion between the Paines and the FBI, argues Carol Hewett.
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