Seamus Coogan is one of a number of JFK assassination researchers hailing from New Zealand and Australia. He has devoted considerable effort to ferreting out and exposing unfounded and sensationalistic or far-fetched conspiratorial hypotheses. His most notable contributions include those on John Hankey's JFK II, on Alex Jones, and on the Majestic Papers. He has also reviewed numerous books for this site.
In the early days after the Rolling Stone article appeared, it appears that [Saint John] and his brother actually had a good deal of skepticism towards what their father had told him about the mechanics of the assassination. What happened to that skepticism? ... Hunt's personal story, with some good supplementary research about his father and mother, could have been politically interesting and personally compelling. But it didn't come out that way, concludes Seamus Coogan.
A disjointed, unorganized, poorly referenced, repetitive ramble. ... With nearly two million pages of declassified documents, the JFK case should be an interesting topic. This book competes with Harrison Livingstone’s The Radical Right and Joe Farrell’s oft criticized tome for flat out over-reliance on unworthy theories, not to mention narrative incoherence, opines Seamus Coogan.
Seamus Coogan looks at the way the series Conspiracy Theory handled the JFK case, and ponders why it was not what it could have been.
[Adams] is remarkably open and honest about being inexperienced on the Milteer assignment and about his being unaccustomed in terms of research on the JFK case. Therefore, when he comes to naming who he thinks are the 'players and the patsies", he readily acknowledges that other, more informed, researchers have worked the beat before. This selflessnes ... is something of a rarity, notes Seamus Coogan.
I am an ardent advocate of the late Carl Ogelsby’s comment with regards to the Kennedy assassination: “We must be careful of running off into the ether of our imaginations.” – especially when it is precisely our imaginations that are being targeted by intelligence-inspired, consumer-driven conspiracy nonsense like the JFK-MJ-12 hoax, concludes Seamus Coogan.
Explores why the JFK community ignored the MJ-12 palaver, but more importantly why ‘truth seekers’ and ‘crank busters’ like Russo and others avoided the JFK-MJ-12 issue altogether, giving an outline of one of the potential targets of this disinformation.
The total and utter failure in UFO circles to acknowledge that counter-intelligence is in itself designed to mislead and misrepresent.
Wood Sr. and his lack of knowledge concerning the basics of Cold War intelligence initiatives, along with that of resident UFO/JFK ‘expert’ Linda Moulton Howe.
On the denials of Tim Cooper’s wrongdoing in the face of strong evidence to the contrary.
The recent assault on the senses concerning dubious evidence concerning Kennedy’s murder being enacted for sticking his nose in and around the UFO issue.
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