Gary Hill is a retired teacher who has spent 50 years of his life researching the Cold War in general and assassination of John F. Kennedy specifically. He has appeared on talk shows, published articles, and given lectures of the topic. His substantial JFK library consists of hundreds of books, articles and pictures and thousands of documents obtained from the CIA, FBI, Military and NARA via the Freedom of Information Act. He has interviewed witnesses and published articles in research journals such as The Fourth Decade and JFK/Deep Politics Quarterly and local newspapers including The Cranberry Journal and The New Castle News. He was a charter member of the Citizens for the Truth about the Kennedy Assassination (CITKA), Cyril Wecht's Coalition of Political Assassinations (COPA-now CAPA) and JFK Lancer. He is listed in the Master Researcher Directory. His recent book “The Other Oswald, A Wilderness of Mirrors” was released on May 25, 2020 by TrineDay publishers.
Gary Hill expands on his research on the Rand Development Corporation and demonstrates just how much we can learn by understanding the organizations to which Oswald and other of the main characters are linked.
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