Bob Fox has recently published on his blog Green Bay Bob Fox a very detailed and helpful four-part synopsis and review of Oliver Stone’s new documentary JFK: Destiny Betrayed. He reviews each of the four episodes individually and we include links to each article here for you to access with our recommendation.
Max Blumenthal is the first person in the media, or alternative media, to note the declension that David Talbot talked about in JFK Revisited, namely that the wave of assassinations in the sixties eventually impacted the social fabric of America. So much so to the point that today, we have become largely inured to the almost weekly gunshot atrocities that have plagued the country for years on end. And there seems to be no end in sight. Max’s father is Sid Blumenthal, who co-wrote Government by Gunplay back in 1976, which was about the assassinations of the sixties. Oliver Stone did an interesting interview about JFK Revisited with The Gray Zone months ago. Hopefully that helped inspire this perceptive piece by Max.
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