by Trevor Timm
At: The Guardian
by Alan Gomez and Gregory Korte
At: USA Today
The Assassination Complex
By Jeremy Scahill, At: The Drone Papers
Well, at least the man who created the see-through cover story about President Kennedy's death is finally gone. Unfortunately, on the evidence of their ill-advised tango with him, the Democratic Party is not even close to being resuscitated. Specter and the Warren Commission did that good of a job in beginning the funeral, writes Jim DiEugenio of Arlen Specter's electoral defeat.
The Democrats may have won the election. But thanks to the likes of Rendell, Reid, Markos Moulitsas, Jane Hamsher, and Thom Hartmann, they are still in search of their souls, writes Jim DiEugenio.
The sorry performance of the media in pre-loading the 2008 presidential debate in Philadelphia comes as no surprise to those who have followed how they have treated topics like the John F. Kennedy presidency in the past, writes Jim DiEugenio.
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