Displaying items by tag: CIA PLOTS

Tuesday, 10 October 2017 22:12

Bill Davy at the VMI Seminar

The following is a transcript of the talk Bill presented for the seminar held at the Virginia Military Institute on Saturday, September 2, 2017.

What the Bishop-Veciana-Oswald connection may actually have involved could be hidden among the 1,100 long-suppressed CIA records related to the JFK assassination, including four of Phillips’ operational files and Veciana’s routing and record sheet, conjectures Prof. Fernandez.

An "incredibly improbable memoir ..., and the most incredible thing is how much of the story is demonstrably true", remarks Joseph Green, who further observes that "the author adopts a straightforward prose style and appears to be doing his best to give the truth as he sees it. For that he deserves some kudos."

By Bryan Bender and Neil Swidey, originally run on November 24, 2013, At:  The Boston Globe

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Monday, 16 May 2016 16:48

The Missing Church Committe Transcripts

by Rex Bradford, At:  Mary Ferrell

Published in News Items
Tuesday, 22 March 2016 23:22

Robert Scheer can't help himself

On the occasion of Barack Obama's overture to end the Cuban embargo and reopen diplomatic relations, Jim DiEugenio berates columnist Robert Scheer for recycling discredited stories about RFK's role in the CIA assassination plots against Fidel Castro, and concludes that Obama is finally doing what JFK was preparing to do when he was murdered.

Saturday, 09 January 2016 14:10

John Newman, Where Angels Tread Lightly, Volume 1

Where Angels Tread LightlyWhat the author is doing has three layers.  First, he is giving us a history of the Castro revolution.  At the same time he is showing how the USA reacted to that epochal turnover, stage by stage in its evolution. Third, he is tracing certain people and movements who will return to the stage in 1963, after Kennedy changes policy, and begins a détente attempt with Cuba.  Other authors have tried this before, but never on this scale or with this intricacy, writes Jim DiEugenio.

Wednesday, 04 November 2015 21:33

Shenon and the CIA’s Benign Cover-Up

Arnaldo follows up his original critique of Shenon's book with a reply to the article published in Politico on October 6, 2015.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014 23:11

CIA and the Bay of Pigs

A Federal appeals court says the CIA doesn't have to reveal information about the Bay of Pigs.

by Josh Gerstein, At: Politico

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