Explores why the JFK community ignored the MJ-12 palaver, but more importantly why ‘truth seekers’ and ‘crank busters’ like Russo and others avoided the JFK-MJ-12 issue altogether, giving an outline of one of the potential targets of this disinformation.
The total and utter failure in UFO circles to acknowledge that counter-intelligence is in itself designed to mislead and misrepresent.
Wood Sr. and his lack of knowledge concerning the basics of Cold War intelligence initiatives, along with that of resident UFO/JFK ‘expert’ Linda Moulton Howe.
On the denials of Tim Cooper’s wrongdoing in the face of strong evidence to the contrary.
The recent assault on the senses concerning dubious evidence concerning Kennedy’s murder being enacted for sticking his nose in and around the UFO issue.
The Wood’s family’s Majestic Documents group, their use of the bogus documentation surrounding Marilyn Monroe, and their attempts to link her death to Kennedy and UFOs and vice versa.
Part 2 of a backdrop to scientist Leon Davidson, who made a number of alarming accusations against the CIA’s whipping up UFO mania which in turn created a powerful cultural phenomena, picked up by other agencies.
Part 1 of a backdrop to scientist Leon Davidson, who made a number of alarming accusations against the CIA’s whipping up UFO mania which in turn created a powerful cultural phenomena, picked up by other agencies.
Introduction to the 9-part series by Seamus Coogan on the MJ-12 hoax and why JFK researchers need to pay attention to this mess.
More journalistic connections to the CIA are examined by Bill Kelly, in particular those of Hugh Aynesworth, Priscilla Johnson and Gordon McLendon.
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