On the occasion of Mark Lane's passing, Jim DiEugenio looks back at his autobiography, concluding: "Lane’s life stands out as a man who did what he could to correct the evil and injustice in the world around him, with no target being too small or too large in that regard. This book stands out like a beacon in the night. It shows both what a citizen should be, and what an attorney can be."
Jim DiEugenio pays tribute to the long and distinguished career of Citizen Lane, activist and fighter for social and political justice.
Why You Should Care That Selma Gets LBJ Wrong
by David Kaiser, At: Time
Except for where he notes some of the problems with the JFK assassination's evidentiary record, this book is pretty much not just without distinction, but so agenda driven as to be misleading. On the 50th anniversary of Kennedy's murder, we needed a lot better, writes Jim DiEugenio.
Jim Douglass's magisterial and moving essay on Malcolm X's final year, the threat that his new vision and mission posed to the Establishment, and the forces which arrayed themselves to bring about his murder.
Lisa Pease chronicles the family of Martin Luther King stepping from the shadows of their own long-held doubts to call for a near hearing of evidence in the killing of the great leader.
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