From Hugh Aynesworth, to Gary Mack and the Sixth Floor, to Rawlings and Belo, one can clearly see how the Power Elite in Dallas plan on putting a lid on the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s death, writes Jim DiEugenio.
A year and a half in advance, Dallas Observer reporter Jim Schutze calls for the city of Dallas to allow Dealey Plaza to be center-stage in the history of the nation for one shining moment on November 22, 2013 (something completely contrary to what actually ended up taking place).
In a communication with CTKA, Groden discussed a posted story about a crackdown on JFK vendors in Dealey Plaza. He says he was arrested because of a complaint by the Sixth Floor Museum transferred to the Dallas Police.
Over forty years after the fact, the public is still learning that trusted officials are keeping private potentially important records dealing with the unsolved murder of President Kennedy, Jim DiEugenio writes about documents withheld by the Dallas DA office.
Jim DiEugenio examines Dallas journalist Hugh Aynesworth and his role in covering up conspiracy in the JFK assassination.
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