Displaying items by tag: FORENSIC EVIDENCE

Monday, 03 August 2015 21:59

The Klein’s Rifle

A discussion of the mail-order rifle attributed to Oswald which follows upon John Armstrong's crucial discoveries.

Friday, 24 July 2015 22:12

Legacy of A Lie

Author Pat Speer discusses the misaligned medical evidence in the JFK assassination and the claim made by Howard Willens that Robert Kennedy obstructed the Warren Commission's access to the autopsy materials.

Flip de Mey’s well written and entertaining book makes valuable contributions. But in the end it must be said it is far from completely satisfactory. However, there is great material in the book and students are encouraged to read it, and then decide for themselves, writes Gary Aguilar.



Thursday, 25 June 2015 20:45

Ed Souza, Undeniable Truths

About the first fifty pages of Undeniable Truths is pretty much undeniable. The next fifty pages are a decided mixture of truth and question marks. Most of the last 200 pages do not at all merit the title. In fact, that part is, in large measure, nothing more than conjecture. And much of that conjecture is ill-founded, concludes Jim DiEugenio.

Martin Hay reviews an article published by Haag in AFTE, about which he concludes: "It is little wonder ... that Lucien Haag limited his defense of the 'Magic' Bullet Theory to a (misleading) discussion of Governor Connally's wounds. After all, no matter how impressive his credentials and extensive his experience, there are some problems that no man can make disappear."

The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: Revisiting the Medical Data


by Mantik, David W. M.D., Ph.D., At:  Journal of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery



Published in News Items

This book is really an entry level book for the novice, an overview of the assassination that tries to touch all of its aspects. ... Its major themes, like the shooting sequence and the identification of the conspirators are not well constructed and some of his conclusions are not supported by the latest findings. And his criticism of Jim Garrison was unfortunate and unjustifiable. After finishing the book you are left with the impression that it was probably written in the 90s and not in 2013, writes Vasilios Vazakas.

Thursday, 21 August 2014 20:14

Oswald on November 22, 1963

David Josephs reviews arguments for Oswald having "planned" the shooting and finds them both contradictory and without rational foundation.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014 22:40

1964 Norman Redlich Memo

The 1964 Norman Redlich memo presented to Warren Commission lawyer J. Lee Rankin.

Jim DiEugenio presents in five parts why, 50 years on, the Warren Report can no longer be taken seriously.

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