Displaying items by tag: JFK ASSASSINATION

Thursday, 21 July 2022 05:05

Fletcher Prouty vs Edward Epstein

Reader James Finn has clipped two valuable stories from the MSM that illustrate the point Fletcher Prouty was making about Kennedy’s withdrawal plan already impacting the war economy and that fact that JFK’s death turned that deceleration around in a hurry. As an intro, Jim DiEugenio reviews Prouty’s position and Edward Epstein’s attack on it.

Sunday, 03 July 2022 22:54

Oliver Stone in Quebec City (Part 1)

Paul Bleau, in this two-part series, recounts Oliver Stone’s recent visit to the Quebec City Film Festival, which included a retrospective of his career at the Le Clap Cinema as well as a special screening of his new documentary JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass. In part one of the series, Paul traces the backstory of the visit, Stone’s arrival, and the itinerary leading up to the panel discussion with Oliver and Jim DiEugenio.

Bob Fox has recently published on his blog Green Bay Bob Fox a very detailed and helpful four-part synopsis and review of Oliver Stone’s new documentary JFK: Destiny Betrayed. He reviews each of the four episodes individually and we include links to each article here for you to access with our recommendation.

Max Blumenthal is the first person in the media, or alternative media, to note the declension that David Talbot talked about in JFK Revisited, namely that the wave of assassinations in the sixties eventually impacted the social fabric of America. So much so to the point that today, we have become largely inured to the almost weekly gunshot atrocities that have plagued the country for years on end. And there seems to be no end in sight. Max’s father is Sid Blumenthal, who co-wrote Government by Gunplay back in 1976, which was about the assassinations of the sixties. Oliver Stone did an interesting interview about JFK Revisited with The Gray Zone months ago. Hopefully that helped inspire this perceptive piece by Max.

Here we publish a retrospective of late 20th Century research on Ruth and Michael Paine by Carol Hewett, Steve Jones, and Barbara La Monica as originally printed in Probe Magazine. These authors did some ground-breaking work in this area and we owe a debt of gratitude to them for the evidence they uncovered and the insights they provided.

Saturday, 18 June 2022 19:51

The Assassination and Mrs. Paine (Part 1)

Jim DiEugenio reviews Max Good’s new documentary The Assassination and Mrs. Paine and, here in part 1, begins with a survey of the literature regarding the peculiar connections of the Paines and their questionable relationship with the Oswalds and how Good presents these curious relationships and depicts their intriguing behavior both before and after the assassination.

We link here to Jim DiEugenio’s debate with Robert Buzzanco over Vietnam and who Kennedy was. Buzzanco was upset about the publicity Oliver Stone was getting on liberal sites promoting the JFK Revisited documentaries, so he invited Noam Chomsky onto his podcast Green and Red, where they both blasted Oliver, all three of his films on JFK, and Kennedy, who Chomsky compared to Trump and Reagan. The next week, Buzzanco issued a challenge to anyone from the film to a debate. Jim accepted this challenge, but stipulated that it happen on a neutral site, Aaron Good's podcast American Exception.

Published in Videos & Interviews
Saturday, 04 June 2022 18:09

Fletcher Prouty vs. the ARRB

Jim DiEugenio revisits the lost opportunity of Fletcher Prouty’s appearance before the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) by reviewing the initial formation and constitution of the board and then by examining the peculiar history of the board’s “112th Military Intelligence Project.”

We publish here Jim DiEugenio’s slides from his JFK Revisited: Destiny Betrayed presentation at Antelope Valley College on March 22, 2022, where he presents the basic facts of the case to the next generation after first outlining the cultural and media milieu of the day and then concluding with the dark and lasting consequences of the assassination on U.S. foreign policy.

In part 2 of this article, Dr. David W. Mantik continues his point-by-point responses to Michel Jacques Gagné’s analysis in the new book Thinking Critically about the Kennedy Assassination (2022) using the documented evidence in the case and, in the process, fully demonstrates that Gagné’s “critical thinking” is anything but.

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