Monday, 20 March 2023 06:37

Dave Emory's 27-part series on JFK Revisited, with Jim DiEugenio

Dave Emory's Record Breaking 27-part Salute to Oliver Stone's JFK Revisited and JFK: Destiny Betrayed. Featuring Jim DiEugenio, David Talbot, John Newman, Gary Aguilar, Lisa Pease, and Paul Bleau.

Saturday, 18 June 2022 18:50

American Exception Episode 34: JFK Assassination Debate

We link here to Jim DiEugenio’s debate with Robert Buzzanco over Vietnam and who Kennedy was. Buzzanco was upset about the publicity Oliver Stone was getting on liberal sites promoting the JFK Revisited documentaries, so he invited Noam Chomsky onto his podcast Green and Red, where they both blasted Oliver, all three of his films on JFK, and Kennedy, who Chomsky compared to Trump and Reagan. The next week, Buzzanco issued a challenge to anyone from the film to a debate. Jim accepted this challenge, but stipulated that it happen on a neutral site, Aaron Good's podcast American Exception.

Saturday, 26 February 2022 16:25

Oliver Stone & Abby Martin: Down the JFK Rabbit Hole

Here is a much awaited interview by the illustrious, veteran independent journalist Abby Martin with Oliver Stone about JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass. Previously, Martin has worked on RT and Telesur. This professionally produced nearly hour long interview is a co production between Abby’s news and documentary organization The Empire Files, and Aaron Good's Patreon series American Exception.

Sunday, 30 August 2020 05:08

Vincent Salandria Memorial

Black Op Radio interviews Jim DiEugenio, Christopher Sharrett, John Kelin, Gary Schoener, Vincent Feldman, Max Good, Marty Schotz, Dave Ratcliffe, and Michael Morrissey to obtain their thoughts and remembrances at the passing of Vincent Salandria on August 23, 2020.

Wednesday, 08 July 2020 03:08

Celebrating 1000 Episodes of Black Op Radio

On July 16th, Len Osanic will hold an anniversary celebration for Black Op Radio. This will be his 1000th program and mark a generation of programming. No one has exclusively dedicated himself to this kind of oral research on the JFK, MLK, and RFK cases. In addition, Osanic has explored other areas of alternative information on subjects the MSM would rather ignore. This program will consist of an hours long blend of new and old interviews with some of the luminaries Len has had on his program: Jesse Ventura, Bill Pepper, Oliver Stone, Zachary Sklar, Cyril Wecht, Jim Douglass, and many, many more.

Tuesday, 05 May 2020 12:46

Robert Kennedy Jr. On the Assassinations of his Uncle and Father

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. discusses his view of the assassinations of his uncle and father, implicating the CIA in both.


Saturday, 04 May 2019 15:35

Jim DiEugenio's 25-part series on Destiny Betrayed, with Dave Emory

Listen to Dave Emory interview Jim about his book, Destiny Betrayed, second edition, the longest continuous interview ever conducted for his radio program For the Record.

Saturday, 01 September 2018 15:32

Jim DiEugenio on the King Trial and Media Coverage

Transcript, courtesy of David Giglio, of an interview with Jim DiEugenio on the media and the 1999 Martin Luther King assassination trial in Memphis.

(Listen to the interview on YouTube courtesy of Our Hidden History)

Wednesday, 22 August 2018 21:17

Clete Roberts interviews Roger Hilsman on Vietnam (1983)

Transcript, courtesy of David Giglio and Our Hidden History, of an interview with Roger Hilsman, who confirms that JFK's policy concerning Vietnam was essentially different from Johnson's. Note that he made these statements in 1983, nearly a decade before the publication of John Newman's book.

(Click here for video link)

We have also appended an important addendum, another interview with Hilsman from 1969.

Sunday, 05 August 2018 18:53

Harold Weisberg on Howard Brennan and Marrion Baker

Transcript, courtesy of David Giglio, of a Pacifica Radio interview from 1966 with Harold Weisberg in which he questions the statements of two key Warren Commission witnesses, Howard Brennan and policeman Marrion Baker.

Click here for audio link (at Our Hidden History)

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