Were the Dallas Police even worse than even the critics have suspected? Were they directly involved in the murder of a fellow policeman? Jerry Hill and William Westbrook smell to high heaven.
Mr. Washburn pokes holes in where certain DPD officers were supposed to be on 11/22, particularly Hill and Wesbrook. He postulates as to where they might have been.
In this two part essay, Mr. Washburn raises genuine questions about the movements of Oswald after the assassination. Was he on the McWatters' bus? Was he in the Whaley cab? There are serious holes in both stories. And the Commission itself wondered about an imposter.
In this two part essay, Mr. Washburn raises genuine questions about the movements of Oswald after the assassination. Was he on the McWatters' bus? Was he in the Whaley cab? There are serious holes in both stories. And the Commission itself wondered about an imposter.
On its 60th anniversary, Jim DiEugenio reminds us all of just how bad the Warren Report was and is. Plus how willingly the entire media at that time was willing to go along with it, without waiting for the 26 volumes of evidence it was based upon to arrive.
We are decades past the time when all remaining JFK assassination records should have been released, yet delays continue. The president has the authority to make it happen. Will the winner of the November 2024 election finally act?
Turn to this page as it tells the reader about the book, its authors, and it contains reviews and clips about this fine new volume by five distinguished authors.
featuring Gary Aguilar, BIll Simpich and the Peace Speech, a talk in San Francisco sponsored by Rossmoor TV, Friends of the Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center.
In a new examination of the Dallas Police tapes, John Washburn demonstrates how it is almost a certainty that the tapes have been altered, and altered in a way that indicates a deliberate cover up for malignant reasons.
Our own Johnny Cairns exposes MSM author and playwright Deanne Stillman’s attempt to caricature Lee Oswald and his mother in a non-referenced and ill-informed book that is anything but confidential.
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