Jim DiEugenio reviews the recently released collaboration between Dave O’Brien and KennedysAndKing contributor Johnny Cairns entitled JFK Case NOT Closed: Key Evidence Dismissed, Ignored, Altered or Suppressed to Frame Lee Harvey Oswald as the 'Lone' Assassin! and recommends it as a worthwhile read despite some areas of disagreement.
Gary Aguilar MD and with Cyril Wecht MD, JD continue their expose of the fraud perpetrated on peer reviewed journals by Warren Commission Apologists in focusing on the strange case of an intended 3-part article in the journal Neurosurgery in which the irregular influence and collaboration of Larry Sturdivan was easily revealed in a thorough refutation of the contents of the first two parts. Part 3 was never published.
Oliver Stone, at: The Hollywood Reporter
Demonstrating how so much pro-government nonsense has gotten through peer review and into scientific journals, Gary Aguilar MD and Cyril Wecht MD, JD, expose the cherry-picking and outright deception in pseudo-science articles from Warren Commission apologists like Luis Alvarez, John Lattimer, Larry Sturdivan, Lucien Haag, Michael Haag, Ken Rahn, and Nicholas Nalli.
Benjamin Cole continues his expose of the evidence regarding the bullet holes in Governor John Connally’s clothing by tracing their curious, even wacky, journey, dubious chain-of-custody, and contamination, culminating in the bungled failures of the Warren Commission and House Select Committee on Assassinations to properly analyze them in ascertaining the facts of the JFK assassination.
Bill Davy delivers a moving and quite-personal reflection on the life and legacy of political satirist Mort Sahl, who risked his career and livelihood to pursue the truth in President John F. Kennedy’s assassination and influenced a generation of Americans in the process.
Nearly 55 years after the New Orleans inquiry into the JFK assassination began, yet another character assassination of Jim Garrison has been published, Alecia Long’s Cruising for Conspirators, so Jim DiEugenio diligently documents how the LSU history professor ignores a preponderance of ARRB evidence released in the last 30 years and instead relies upon the outdated and biased Clay Shaw apologia, American Grotesque, to smear Garrison and his investigation.
Mike Barnes, at: Hollywood Reporter
Utilizing new research from Malcolm Blunt, Jim DiEugenio catalogs just how pervasive and extensive the JFK assassination cover-up was across the Warren Commission through the machinations of Allen Dulles and Howard Willens, the mainstream media through the reporting of Hugh Aynesworth, Holland McCombs, and Walter Sheridan, and the House Select Committee on Assassinations’ attempt to change the location of the JFK head wound and to obscure the connections of Oswald with Guy Banister and Cuban exiles in New Orleans.
Johnny Cairns continues his multi-part reexamination of the key evidence against Lee Harvey Oswald in the assassination of JFK by reviewing the discovery, photography, and chain of custody of the Mannlicher-Carcano shells and the dubious identification of fingerprints belonging to Oswald.
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