Carrying forward his response to Fred Litwin on Garrison, Jim DiEugenio turns his unrelenting critical eye on Quillette, an organ of the alt-right which not only published an article based on Litwin's book, but also a follow-up piece with a similar title by one its editors, Jamie Palmer.
Bill Kelly presents excerpts of interviews conducted by Gayle Nix Jackson with Father Walter Machann, friend and confidant of Silvia Odio, concerning, among other things, her famous late September, 1963, visit by “Oswald”.
Dr. Mantik states: “It is unique for me to write a second review, but too much remained unsaid after the first review. Wagner’s book clearly required more attention, especially since his profound mistakes are so often duplicated by the unenlightened mainstream media.”
Transcript, courtesy of David Giglio, of a Pacifica Radio interview from 1966 with Harold Weisberg in which he questions the statements of two key Warren Commission witnesses, Howard Brennan and policeman Marrion Baker.
Click here for audio link (at Our Hidden History)
Michael Le Flem reviews a book about reporting on the JFK case by a reporter. The book starts out quite strong and rigorous, but about halfway through it goes off the rails. But the first part is worth reading.
The strength of the book lies in the tracing of the Oswald files through the CIA under Angleton’s dominion. No book on Angleton has done this before. And that is certainly a commendable achievement. Hopefully, this will become a staple of future Angleton scholarship, writes Jim DiEugenio.
Ronald Redmon follows up on an earlier article with this overview and tribute to Eugene Dinkin, who died in 2012 in Los Angeles.
by Dr. Randy Robertson, at: AARC
There is a long list of books about which it can be rightly said they have added nothing to our understanding of JFK’s murder because their authors placed their conclusions first and then twisted, warped, and distorted the details to fit. Wagner’s book undoubtedly belongs on that list, concludes Martin Hay.
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