General (66)

Wednesday, 04 September 2024 13:46

RFK Jr. and the Unspeakable: Why This Historic Moment Matters

Written by Chad Nagle
Author and attorney Chad Nagle discusses matters relating to RFK Jr.'s endorsement of Trump.
Wednesday, 27 September 2023 17:56

Mark Shaw Insults Allen, Texas: Part 2

Written by Donald McGovern
Marilyn Monroe expert Don McGovern examines what Mark Shaw advertises as a key piece of evidence about Bobby Kennedy. Under Don's microscope, it turns out to be a lot less than Shaw advertised.
Wednesday, 27 September 2023 17:36

Mark Shaw Insults Allen, Texas: Part 1

Written by James DiEugenio
Jim DiEugenio describes the problems with Mark Shaw's address at the Allen LIbrary in Texas. Shaw is a lawyer, his speech was about as unlawyerly as one can get in a murder case.
Tuesday, 19 September 2023 18:10

ACTION ALERT: Secret Service Protection for RFK Jr.

Written by James DiEugenio
In the light of the recent events in Los Angeles, Jim DiEugenio makes the case for Secret Service protection for RFK, Jr.
Monday, 19 June 2023 03:30

Robert Kennedy Jr. has the Establishment Worried

Written by James DiEugenio
Robert Kennedy Jr.’s candidacy for the Democratic nomination for president has raised the ire of many people in the MSM establishment. Let us examine some of those attacks and analyze what the late Hunter Thompson called this “fear and loathing” on the campaign trail.
Monday, 08 August 2022 05:14

So, What about this Conspiracy Business Anyway?

Written by Ron Canazzi
Ron Canazzi surveys the history of large-scale conspiracies in the United States and, with that as background, provides an introduction to the evidence of the assassinations of the Sixties with respect to possibility that dozens of individuals could have participated in these plots.
Saturday, 09 April 2022 15:58

Marilyn, Tony Summers, and his Paper Tiger

Written by Donald McGovern
With the release of a new Netflix documentary entitled The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe: The Unheard Tapes looming, Anthony Summers recently published an article on the case in Vanity Fair magazine and now Don McGovern provides the missing fact checking of that article in correcting the record with respect to the dubious Agnes Flanagan story of the stuffed tiger toy.
Thursday, 18 November 2021 06:32

Mort Sahl: An Appreciation

Written by William Davy
Bill Davy delivers a moving and quite-personal reflection on the life and legacy of political satirist Mort Sahl, who risked his career and livelihood to pursue the truth in President John F. Kennedy’s assassination and influenced a generation of Americans in the process.
Thursday, 22 July 2021 23:42

CounterPunch Whiffs Again!

Written by James DiEugenio
Jim DiEugenio shows how distorted the lens is that CounterPunch writer David Schultz looks through to reach his own interpretation of the lesson of Vietnam that the U.S. should have applied to Afghanistan. The only lesson we learn from history is indeed that we learn nothing from it, if we rely on discredited sources like Halberstam's The Best and the Brightest.
Saturday, 29 May 2021 16:00

A Special Request from Editor and Publisher Jim DiEugenio

Written by James DiEugenio
Jim DiEugenio makes a special appeal to our readers for assistance in exposing the truth in the JFK, RFK, MLK, and Malcolm X assassinations.
Saturday, 03 April 2021 16:49

Biden, Trump, the CIA: Reflections in a Dark Mirror, Nixon vs. Helms, 1971

Written by Benjamin Cole
With the looming October deadline for President Biden’s decision on the release of the remaining files from the JFK Records Act, Benjamin Cole reviews President Trump’s recent history with the National Security State and revisits President Nixon’s interactions with CIA director Richard Helms with implications toward the JFK assassination.
Wednesday, 24 February 2021 18:00

James Moore, JFK, and QAnon

Written by James DiEugenio
James Moore picks up where Steven Gillon left off and Jim DiEugenio puts him through the same treatment, decimating the false equivalence of QAnon conspiracy fantasies and JFK historical research. Jim makes the case that QAnon is at best a myth and at worst a hoax, while throughout the JFK case one can find definite evidentiary conclusions.
Thursday, 28 January 2021 04:43

Caitlin Johnstone, JFK, and the Insurrection

Written by James DiEugenio
Jim DiEugenio interacts with some of Caitlin Johnstone’s published thoughts on what she terms the “Capitol Hill Riot” and looks at the insurrection from the perspective of a JFK research community seeking justice and accountability whatever the cost.
Wednesday, 05 August 2020 04:23

25th Anniversary of Probe/CTKA/KennedysAndKing

Written by Kennedys&King
Jim DiEugenio comments on his 25th Anniversary of publishing on the assassinations of the 1960s and gives some encouragement on how you can participate in keeping it going.
Monday, 06 July 2020 15:12

Dovey Roundtree Spins her Search for Vivian

Written by James DiEugenio
Did Dovey Roundtree throw herself into the case a bit too hard? Jim DiEugenio examines the inconsistent stories surrounding the potential alibi witness, “Vivian,” and wonders if it is a story she spun beyond recognition to defend her client.
Friday, 19 June 2020 19:31

Trump and Kennedy? Is Politico for Real?

Written by James DiEugenio
Jim DiEugenio reviews the history of Politico in supporting the two-party status quo and then dissects sportswriter Peter Keating’s article, “How JFK Paved the Way for Donald Trump,” as uninformed and counter-factual.
Saturday, 30 May 2020 18:06

Laurene Jobs and The Atlantic Go All In

Written by Michael Le Flem
Michael Le Flem and Jim DiEugenio observe how The Atlantic Monthly has become a part of the oligarchical problem in trying to conceal what has happened to the Democratic Party behind a smoke screen of “pernicious conspiracy thinking,” which has now become part and parcel of the Democratic party’s legacy.
Sunday, 24 May 2020 17:29

Soledad O'Brien meets Mary Meyer

Written by James DiEugenio
As Soleded O’Brien launches her 8-part podcast on the murder of Mary Meyer entitled Murder on the Towpath, Jim DiEugenio recalls her work on the Martin Luther King, Jr. assassination case and introduces a special 9-part series here on KennedysAndKing. We will post a Mary Meyer article each week of the podcast and then Jim will write a summary on the ninth week.
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