Attorney Mark Adamyzck encourages the congressional movement to extend the original JFK Act, thus eliminating Biden's ersatz Transparency Plan and finally letting the public see what has been hidden for 61 years.
Monika Wiesak's new America’s Last President is among the most important books on the case in years. James DiEugenio reviews it for Kennedys and King.
Maurin Picard, at: Consortium News
Jim DiEugenio reviews John Newman’s latest volume on the JFK case, Into the Storm, finding it a bit uneven, but very well done in its analysis of how the CIA switched back their plots to kill Castro onto the Kennedy White House and how the military under Lemnitzer and Lansdale was proposing false flag operations to justify a war with Cuba.
Joe Green reviews the documentary, Who Killed Malcom X? by Ark Media, exposing the omissions that sacrifice clarity and context by treating the assassination like an ordinary murder, chasing individual suspects and missing the underlying political structures.
Oscar Schneider, at: The Brussels Times
Edward Curtin, at: GlobalResearch
Jim DiEugenio reviews Mad Brugger’s new film Cold Case Hammarskjold in light of the political struggle in Congo and the recurrence of European imperialism there.
Michael Le Flem reviews Stephen Kinzer’s Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control (Henry Holt and Co., 2019)
by Islainfinita, at: YouTube
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