Displaying items by tag: JFK ASSASSINATION

Two lawyers expert on the JFK Act show us how President Biden and the CIA have plotted to alter and negate both the spirit and the letter of the law. You will not find a better essay on this subject than this one. Only people who have studied the act in depth could show us in detail how it has been neutered.

The chief White House correspondent for The New York Times on the declassification of the remaining JFK files.

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Friday, 14 July 2023 03:34

Fact-Checking the Sixth Floor Museum

Our reporter gives a rundown on how fair and balanced the Sixth Floor Museum is on the JFK case in light of today's state of the evidence.

Biden agreed to make public a majority of assassination records, but thousands remain secret six decades later.

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President Kennedy was killed almost 60 years ago under the most suspect circumstances. What secret operations from more than a half century ago could outweigh the need for total disclosure of that murder?

A giant black hole has been created out of which nothing more might emerge.

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Two disgusting exhibitions, by Mate and Hedges. This is what happens when liberal “alternative” reporters put their trust in Sy Hersh’s atrocity of a book. Someone should wash Hedges’ mouth out with soap.

290 additional documents released by the National Archives on the JFK case.

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America’s premier intelligence service has a fundamental design flaw.

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Thursday, 15 June 2023 03:45

How JFK Would Pursue Peace in Ukraine

Sixty years after Kennedy’s commencement address at American University, crucial lessons must still be learned about how to end dangerous conflicts in a nuclear world.

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