In response to Tim Weiner’s hatchet job on JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass in Rolling Stone magazine, Jim DiEugenio exposes the false alternatives and hypocrisy used in this review, which ignores the work of the Assassination Records Review Board and other new evidence presented in the film.
Jim DiEugenio responds to Alecia Long’s latest foray into JFK assassination disinformation by correcting her obvious mistakes and oversights and exposing her brazen attempts at misdirection in reviewing Olive Stone’s new documentary JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass.
Katie Bo Lillis, at: CNN
Anonymous, at: National Archives
Vasilios Vazakas provides a helpful appendix for his multi-part series on “Creating the Oswald Legend” identifying the actors and players on this grand chess board.
Vasilios Vazakas concludes his seven-part investigation into the creation of the Oswald legend by exploring the delay in opening up a CIA 201 file using Betsy Wolf’s HSCA investigation notes and its relation to James Angleton’s use of mole hunts as cover for more sinister operations.
Soon after this story was published, I got a call from a physicist at Cal Tech. He said my find was “astonishing—it was right under our nose—and yet had gone unnoticed.” The story was first published in The Fourth Decade, January, 1996. It shows exactly how low an esteemed scientist will go to sell the government approved version of the Kennedy assassination. This latest version contains a little more, and a little less than the original.
William E. Kelly, Jr., at: JFKcountercoup
Oliver Stone and Jim DiEugenio reply to Tim Weiner’s review of “JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass” published in Rolling Stone magazine, correcting the statements regarding Russia, Jim Garrison, and the Assassination Records Review Board documents.
Dan Noyes, at: ABC 7 News
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