Compiled from various press reports.
It is worth remembering that Gerald Ford's legacy also includes vetoing a bill to amend the Freedom of Information Act, reportedly at the urging of Chief of Staff Donald Rumsfeld, and Dick Cheney and Antonin Scalia, writes John Kelin.
Paris Flammonde, who spent years in radio and television production ... is part of a vanishing breed -- a cultured intellectual whose wit and intellect is reflected in his prose, writes Bill Davy.
Cartoon depicting Gerald Ford clarifying the Warren Report.
Over forty years after the fact, the public is still learning that trusted officials are keeping private potentially important records dealing with the unsolved murder of President Kennedy, Jim DiEugenio writes about documents withheld by the Dallas DA office.
Dallas journalist and erstwhile Garrison critic continues to defend Clay Shaw as the source of a proposed screenplay with Jim Piddock, writes Jim DiEugenio.
Jim DiEugenio lists the low quality of the government witnesses in the JFK assassination case.
Jim DiEugenio examines Dallas journalist Hugh Aynesworth and his role in covering up conspiracy in the JFK assassination.
Looking at the totality of Philip Melanson's work (and I am leaving out some of it), there are very few people who contributed as much or as at the high level that he did, writes Jim DiEugenio.
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