Displaying items by tag: LEE HARVEY OSWALD

Tuesday, 16 November 2021 05:00

Veciana, Phillips, and Oswald: A Plot Triangle?

Arnaldo Fernandez revisits the late-in-life revelations of Antonio Veciana and pieces together a more plausible sequence of events and motivations for these various accounts and their relationship to the plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy.

Saturday, 30 October 2021 16:35

Alecia Long Lays an Egg

Nearly 55 years after the New Orleans inquiry into the JFK assassination began, yet another character assassination of Jim Garrison has been published, Alecia Long’s Cruising for Conspirators, so Jim DiEugenio diligently documents how the LSU history professor ignores a preponderance of ARRB evidence released in the last 30 years and instead relies upon the outdated and biased Clay Shaw apologia, American Grotesque, to smear Garrison and his investigation.

Saturday, 23 October 2021 18:17

Revising the JFK Cover Up: via Malcolm Blunt

Utilizing new research from Malcolm Blunt, Jim DiEugenio catalogs just how pervasive and extensive the JFK assassination cover-up was across the Warren Commission through the machinations of Allen Dulles and Howard Willens, the mainstream media through the reporting of Hugh Aynesworth, Holland McCombs, and Walter Sheridan, and the House Select Committee on Assassinations’ attempt to change the location of the JFK head wound and to obscure the connections of Oswald with Guy Banister and Cuban exiles in New Orleans.

Wednesday, 08 September 2021 16:04

Operation Dragon

Jim DiEugenio takes an incisive look at Operation Dragon, by former CIA Director James Woolsey and the late Ion Mihai Pacepa, and concludes that, due to being riddled with errors and marred by unwarranted assumptions, it is an outdated, slightly humorous propaganda effort.

Wednesday, 11 August 2021 04:00

Exposing the FPCC, Part 2

In Part 2, Paul Bleau concludes his in-depth examination of the history of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee by analyzing the various links across the failed JFK plots and then tracing the connections to the various frame-up artists and their propaganda contributions.

Saturday, 07 August 2021 19:53

Exposing the FPCC, Part 1

Paul Bleau traces in depth the history of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, its monitoring and manipulation by the FBI and CIA, and Oswald’s connection to it from 1962 on, in this two part essay.

Wednesday, 07 July 2021 04:00

Marina’s Sponsor and Oswald’s Fifth Wallet

While researching for an upcoming article on the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Paul Bleau stumbled upon some intriguing information concerning Marina Oswald’s immigration sponsor, so he decided to put his FPCC article on hold and document the fascinating evidence regarding Marina’s sponsor and yet another Lee Harvey Oswald wallet.

Monday, 05 July 2021 20:00

Lee Harvey Oswald’s Cold War

Jim DiEugenio reviews Greg Parker’s unusual, provocative, and insightful two-volume work entitled Lee Harvey Oswald’s Cold War and traces the Cold War timeline and progression through the early life of Lee Harvey Oswald prior to his “defection” to the Soviet Union in October, 1959.

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