In the third part of this multi-part series, Vasilios explores the evidence that Oswald was a government agent by examining the Oswald legend created in New Orleans, Mexico City, and Dallas. He concludes by exposing the sinister use of a CIA mole hunt to produce the perfect patsy and prevent any genuine investigation of the true perpetrators of the JFK assassination.
In the second part of this multi-part series, Vasilios examines Oswald’s links to CIA-sponsored or CIA-connected anti-communist organizations and figures, and asks if it is possible that Oswald was being prepared from the outset to be an infiltrator.
In the first part of this projected multi-part series, the author reviews Oswald's "defection" to the USSR in the light of Cold War games and his possible connection to them, and proposes an interesting twist on what the role of his stay there may have been.
by Gordon Correra
At: BBC News
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