Paul Schrade and Allard Lowenstein discuss the 1968 assassination of Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy in Los Angeles, particularly focusing upon the need to reopen the case to uncover the real events. Broadcast on KPFK, 13 Jan. 1973. Transcription courtesy of David Giglio, Our Hidden History.
With this book, we finally have a record of one of the very, very few mainstream reporters who actually delved into one of the assassinations of the sixties. Who tried to do an honest job and who actually tried to follow the evidence wherever it was headed, writes Jim DiEugenio.
Letter sent in advance of Sirhan's parole hearing in February of 2016.
Full transcript of Sirhan's parole board hearing, February 16, 2016 (includes Paul Schrade's statements).
There is really nothing new in the book and its central thesis is simply not supported by the evidence. That CIA rogues were a part of the plot to kill Kennedy has been written before and in a far more persuasive manner than Nolan manages, writes Martin Hay.
Jim DiEugenio presents factors which in 2011 could have judicially favored re-opening the RFK case.
The book is certainly easy to read, and clearly presented. So long as you understand that some of the material is incorrect ... and outdated ..., there is still much to recommend here, writes Lisa Pease.
The second part of Lisa Pease's masterful review of the RFK assassination case, which focuses on alternate explanations for how and why RFK was murdered.
The first part of Lisa Pease's masterful review of the RFK assassination case, which focuses on the evidence as it relates to the gun, bullets and Special Exhibit 10.
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