WhoWhatWhy hosts a podcast produced for The Ripple Effect featuring Russ Baker, Jefferson Morley and Jim DiEugenio.
Mike Swanson has inaugurated a new website, The Past American Century, to host materials on the JFK assassination and other topics.
Check out this recent video on the Schlesinger memo from June, 1961 about eliminating/restructuring the CIA.
The Cuban defector known to the CIA as TOUCHDOWN, and whose story Brian Latell has bandied about as “proof” of Castro’s foreknowledge of the JFK assassination, died at 71 last month, as Arnaldo Fernandez relates.
By Matt Schudel, At: The Washington Post
By Matt Schudel, At: The Washington Post
Bernard Wilds’ site of freely available, restored and re-compiled PDFs collected from the internet, has a new home.
David Mantik's home site can now be found at http://themantikview.com
By Brian Wice, At: Houston Chronicle
By Karen Mizoguchi, At: People
He leaned on JFK to stay out of Vietnam. Had Kennedy survived, might history have been different?
By Mark Perry, At: The American Conservative
on his book Into the Nightmare. At: Our Hidden History (YouTube)
Bill Simpich offers a look at some of the gems found in the new JFK document releases and how to speed up the discovery of future finds.
At: WhoWhatWhy
On JFK secrecy, Brett Kavanaugh sides with the CIA
By Jefferson Morley, at:JFK Facts
By Colleen Flaherty, at: Inside Higher Ed
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