Displaying items by tag: CIA

Wednesday, 23 January 2019 22:56

The Murder of Hammarskjold

Probe was twenty years ahead of the mainstream in discussing the importance of the Congo struggle and the possibility Hammarskjold's plane was shot down.

Published in General
Sunday, 02 December 2018 20:44

The Crimes of Quillette

Carrying forward his response to Fred Litwin on Garrison, Jim DiEugenio turns his unrelenting critical eye on Quillette, an organ of the alt-right which not only published an article based on Litwin's book, but also a follow-up piece with a similar title by one its editors, Jamie Palmer.

“Anytime someone goes after Garrison, I will be there,” Jim DiEugenio has assured us. So it is with the latest attempt, this time by Fred Litwin, to recirculate those all-too-familiar, stale media smears and untruths without any reference to the revelations of the ARRB.

Tuesday, 20 November 2018 19:56

The Past American Century

Mike Swanson has inaugurated a new website, The Past American Century, to host materials on the JFK assassination and other topics.

Check out this recent video on the Schlesinger memo from June, 1961 about eliminating/restructuring the CIA.

Published in News Items
Wednesday, 14 November 2018 22:39

Obituary for a Fake Intel Source

The Cuban defector known to the CIA as TOUCHDOWN, and whose story Brian Latell has bandied about as “proof” of Castro’s foreknowledge of the JFK assassination, died at 71 last month, as Arnaldo Fernandez relates.

Published in Obituaries
Thursday, 25 October 2018 22:35

Walter Machann Interview Synopsis

Bill Kelly presents excerpts of interviews conducted by Gayle Nix Jackson with Father Walter Machann, friend and confidant of Silvia Odio, concerning, among other things, her famous late September, 1963, visit by “Oswald”.

From Michael's conclusion: Ganis’ book is an uncomfortable, freewheeling careen down strange dead-end tracks, with unannounced detours through cold dark streets full of faceless characters, and later, journeys through mirror-filled fun houses of speculation, with a final twist and turn that spits you out right over Niagara Falls, barrel and all.

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