Displaying items by tag: CIA

Sunday, 30 September 2018 18:14

Creating the Oswald Legend – Part 2

In the second part of this multi-part series, Vasilios examines Oswald’s links to CIA-sponsored or CIA-connected anti-communist organizations and figures, and asks if it is possible that Oswald was being prepared from the outset to be an infiltrator.

Monday, 24 September 2018 23:33

The Three Failed Plots to Kill JFK, Part 2

3 plots mixed

Paul Bleau continues his exploration of failed plots and potential patsies, adding several candidates, discussing their profiles and drawing some tentative conclusions concerning the nature of their connections, particularly to the FPCC and SWP.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018 22:05

Jim Garrison: The Beat Goes On

In response to a recent article which he characterizes as “a compendium of every MSM caricature of Garrison and his Kennedy case that one can imagine”, Jim DiEugenio revisits the New Orleans DA's career and his JFK case, and what the ARRB and subsequent research has revealed about it.

Bill Simpich offers a look at some of the gems found in the new JFK document releases and how to speed up the discovery of future finds.

At: WhoWhatWhy

Published in News Items
Monday, 16 July 2018 23:26

Through a Glass Darkly: An MK-ULTRA Primer

Tracing the history of mind-control experimentation by the US and its allies from World War II onward, Michael Le Flem reveals the depth and extent of human behavioral programming undertaken for more than two decades by the CIA, which, as has come more and more to light, nearly certainly furnishes the backdrop against which we should understand Sirhan's actions on June 5, 1968.

Wednesday, 11 July 2018 21:42

The RFK Tapes

the rfk tapesAn audio documentary series by William Klaber and Zac Stuart-Pontier that examines the 1968 assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. (Click image for link)

Published in Videos & Interviews

On JFK secrecy, Brett Kavanaugh sides with the CIA

By Jefferson Morley, at:JFK Facts

Published in News Items

Rex Bradford of the Mary Ferrell Foundation gave a report recently on the progress of the JFK declassification process as it stands today.  As he notes, if Donald Trump had not intervened, he would not have had to file this report.

As reviewer Edward Curtin opines:  when a truthful, beautifully written and moving book published by a major house is shunned by mainstream book reviewers, one can fairly well guess the book has touched a sore spot which the corporate media would prefer not to expose to the public.  So it is with this courageous memoir by RFK's son and namesake.

Published in General
Friday, 08 June 2018 20:56

A&E Reports: RFK Assassination

rfkplumleyShown only once, this episode of A&E Investigative Reports makes the case for CIA involvement in the Assassination of Robert F Kennedy.


(Click image for video link)

Published in Videos & Interviews

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