With statements like Mr. Goetzman's, one doubts if Goetzman, Hanks and Paxton really read Bugliosi's 2,740 pages or any of the critical literature released prior, or subsequent, to Reclaimimg History - especially within a month's time.
Michael Green takes Bugliosi to task on the evidence, arguing for a national security state cover-up through the mass media.
Time magazine ran this short piece with David Talbot arguing for and Vincent Bugliosi against.
Letter of protest to New York Times, signed by Jefferson Morley, Norman Mailer, Anthony Summers and David Talbot.
Early article on the Hanks/Playtone miniseries project.
I wish Ambrose and Schlesinger had read the Review Board's declassified files ... [and] used them for their work in this volume. Until they do, Stone is completely justified in making these films and therefore keeping the historical establishment honest, writes Jim DiEugenio.
A declassified HSCA document reporting a phone conversation between Michael Ewing and Rankin offers, as far as we know, the strongest criticisms of the Commission by anyone actually on the legal staff, as opposed to the members of the Commission themselves, writes Jim DiEugenio.
Ray Marcus's reviews of important figures on the Left, excerpted by Martin Schotz and attached as appendix B to “The Left and the Death of Kennedy”.
The articles by Ray Marcus and Martin Schotz do not so much explain the reaction, or non-reaction, of the Left to the death of John Kennedy as show, in the face of that non-reaction, that the murder of Kennedy was the first step that led to the death of the Left, writes Jim DiEugenio.
A summary of a section of Martin Schotz's book, History Will Not Absolve Us.
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