There was a conspiracy in the Kennedy assassination, but I am no conspiracy theorist: so concludes this essay by Joseph Green.
McAdams likes to warn us about how “noise” clouds our perceptions. He should know, he’s directly responsible for a great deal of it, asserts Frank Cassano.
Line after line, paragraph after paragraph, page after page, McAdams trudges tirelessly onward, selectively using testimony to reach a particular conclusion. Though readers may find that it’s perhaps a bit short on fact, and a tad thin on logic, JFK Assassination Logic more than compensates by being wonderfully long on misguided patriotism, concludes Gary Aguilar.
The author presents here a translation of the exchange of letters between herself and the station chief of the network which broadcast in Germany the abominable Michael Shermer production, "Conspiracy Rising."
Seamus Coogan looks at the way the series Conspiracy Theory handled the JFK case, and ponders why it was not what it could have been.
Frank Cassano on the Canadian Broadcasting Company's documentary and its message that “conspiracy theorists threaten democracy”.
I am an ardent advocate of the late Carl Ogelsby’s comment with regards to the Kennedy assassination: “We must be careful of running off into the ether of our imaginations.” – especially when it is precisely our imaginations that are being targeted by intelligence-inspired, consumer-driven conspiracy nonsense like the JFK-MJ-12 hoax, concludes Seamus Coogan.
Explores why the JFK community ignored the MJ-12 palaver, but more importantly why ‘truth seekers’ and ‘crank busters’ like Russo and others avoided the JFK-MJ-12 issue altogether, giving an outline of one of the potential targets of this disinformation.
The total and utter failure in UFO circles to acknowledge that counter-intelligence is in itself designed to mislead and misrepresent.
Wood Sr. and his lack of knowledge concerning the basics of Cold War intelligence initiatives, along with that of resident UFO/JFK ‘expert’ Linda Moulton Howe.
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