Katie Bo Lillis, at: CNN
Anonymous, at: National Archives
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., at: San Francisco Chronicle
William E. Kelly, Jr., at: JFKcountercoup
Oliver Stone and Jim DiEugenio reply to Tim Weiner’s review of “JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass” published in Rolling Stone magazine, correcting the statements regarding Russia, Jim Garrison, and the Assassination Records Review Board documents.
Dan Noyes, at: ABC 7 News
Oliver Stone, at: The Hollywood Reporter
Michael R. Sisak and Jennifer Peltz, at: HuffPost
Bill Davy delivers a moving and quite-personal reflection on the life and legacy of political satirist Mort Sahl, who risked his career and livelihood to pursue the truth in President John F. Kennedy’s assassination and influenced a generation of Americans in the process.
Michael McCaffrey, at: RT
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