Displaying items by tag: FORENSIC EVIDENCE

Thursday, 15 June 2000 00:00

The Two-Brain Memorandum

Former Assasssination Records Review Board staffer Douglas Horne put his career on the line with the ARRB by writing up the story of how two different brains, both of which were claimed to be Kennedy's, were examined, and how the evidence cannot be reconciled. This landmark memo, which has been summarized elsewhere, is presented here in its entirety.

Jim DiEugenio shows how the major media twists and distorts the evidence to downplay the incredible significance that a jury found that there had been a conspiracy to assassinate Dr. Martin Luther King, and that Loyd Jowers was involved.

Wednesday, 15 December 1999 23:31

The Sins of Robert Blakey, Part 2

Jim DiEugenio continues his detailed review, based on declassified records, of how Blakey manoeuvered the HSCA investigation towards preconceived conclusions, and his deference toward CIA.

Mike Vinson contributed this interesting article about how Jerry Ray, James Earl Ray's brother, has been attempting to gain possession of the alleged murder weapon in order to do legitimate testing on the rifle. Ray is convinced a genuine test would clear his brother's name in terms of the shooting of Martin Luther King.

Uncanny links to and similarities with the RFK case, which appears to be awash in CIA involvement, are laid bare in this analysis by Lisa Pease.

Published in General

The first part of Lisa Pease's masterful review of the RFK assassination case, which focuses on the evidence as it relates to the gun, bullets and Special Exhibit 10.

Sunday, 15 February 1998 16:17

Is the King Case Dead? Murder in Memphis - Again

Whatever the forces behind these new twists, Judge Brown has now effectively joined the ranks of Jim Garrison and Richard Sprague as those too passionate in their efforts to find the truth about the assassinations of the sixties, writes Jim DiEugenio.

Sunday, 15 June 1997 00:35

Michael Baden's Deceptions

If people like Baden feel free to lie about what is on public record, imagine the reliability of “information” they provide that can't be verified, writes Milicent Cranor.

Friday, 15 December 1995 22:30

Silencers, Sniper Rifles & the CIA

Carol Hewett discusses the possibility of silenced weapons having been used in Dealey Plaza, an idea which up to the time of publication of this article in 1995 had been surprisingly unexplored.

Friday, 15 December 1995 21:51

The Magician's Tools

One thing seems certain: what did the majority of witnesses hear when Connally was shot? Nothing, writes Milicent Cranor.

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