Displaying items by tag: JFK ASSASSINATION

Monday, 02 December 2013 15:44

Maurice Bishop Documents

Antonio Veciana's letter to Marie Fonzi confirming the identification of Maurice Bishop with David Atlee Phillips.

In reply to Michael Shermer and the LA Times, David Mantik asks why the media refuse to accept the overwhelmingly obvious conclusion that Oswald was framed.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013 20:14

Cold Case JFK vs. Cold Hard JFK Facts

A critical review of the NOVA production (November 14, 2013) – "Cold Case JFK."

There is really nothing new in the book and its central thesis is simply not supported by the evidence. That CIA rogues were a part of the plot to kill Kennedy has been written before and in a far more persuasive manner than Nolan manages, writes Martin Hay.

Published in General
Friday, 22 November 2013 15:09

Fifty Reasons for Fifty Years

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Courtesy Len Osanic and Black Op Radio


Friday, 22 November 2013 01:23

Paris Flammonde has died

Published in Obituaries

Translation of an interview with the former President of France in which he reveals that Gerald Ford confessed to him that the Warren Commission knew there was a plot.

Published in News Items

Jim DiEugenio writes of how the author of what was a good book on the JFK case when it first came out has subsequently held less tenable views of both John Kennedy and his assassination, and how he blindly jettisons Garrison's achievements.

This 2013 account of the first generation Warren Commission critics is based on Praise from a Future Generation (Wings Press, 2007) by John Kelin, just published in an e-book edition.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013 21:17

James DiEugenio, Reclaiming Parkland

Jim DiEugenio's second book on the JFK assassination, which takes Bugliosi's pretentious and inflated bag of obfuscation as its framework for dismantling the Warren Commission, the Clark Panel, and the HSCA, and for further revealing how beholden the film and TV industry has become to Washington in general and to the CIA in particular.  A masterful dissection of a rotting corpse, and the rightful heir to Accessories after the Fact. [Al Rossi]

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